Okay I've learnt several things this morning.
Firstly I have no idea why that rare site has In Harms Way listed as some sort of protected clip that needs likes to view it because it's the exact clip that is on YT and it's the promo clip the band used in 1994.
Secondly, the video is 2 and a half minutes shorter than the album version, but it has some classic old school shots of the band.
Thirdly, Kurdt, while he did wrote the song, wasn't in the band at the time so the person I was thinking could have been him from the quick look I had last night wasn't him.
Fourthly I still don't know what Kurdt looks like with hair.
and fifthly, Kurdt's two solo albums (under the name of Vanderhoof) sound like shit. I only listened to one song off the self titled album, but it wasn't good, the second one, A Blur In Time, is on YT but I only skimmed it and found nothing impressive.