Classics Reborn

Priorities man, it's only a few minutes. No show. They should have called them The Big Hair!

The problem isn't how long the videos go for it's the tv in my left ear that makes it hard to hear anything.
Demos aren't the only thing that cost money, hair spray isn't cheap either :)
Interesting that Scott knew back then what 'fake' was, strange that he's spent the next 30 years aiming for it.

What's the song in the back ground? I don't think I've ever heard it before!
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The problem isn't how long the videos go for it's the tv in my left ear that makes it hard to hear anything.
Demos aren't the only thing that cost money, hair spray isn't cheap either :)
Interesting that Scott knew back then what 'fake' was, strange that he's spent the next 30 years aiming for it.

What's the song in the back ground? I don't think I've ever heard it before!
I mean, Quality family time or an Anthrax vid that you've probably seen before. The choice is yours. I'm not gonna tell you what the right one is :p
I don't know if it's hairspray. but it's huge! Cray that in 88 they had hair like that.

They sure have gotten a lot of mileage out of that song!
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I mean, Quality family time or an Anthrax vid that you've probably seen before. The choice is yours. I'm not gonna tell you what the right one is :p
I don't know if it's hairspray. but it's huge! Cray that in 88 they had hair like that.

They sure have gotten a lot of mileage out of that song!

Well quality isn't really the right word :) But it was after 7pm too so Jeopardy was on :P
Charlie's might not have been hairspray, but I'm pretty sure Danny liked a can or two of hairspray

Pity it wasn't an original song they go so much mileage out of!
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No. They are shitty drummers...
