Classics Reborn

It goes against what social media is, but you can see why they do it. No answers at all means no flame wars, no offending people and no one bitching because they answered on question but not someone elses.
They should just give us an email address, that no one else has, so we can ask questions.
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I bet you don't. Considering yesterday when I was thinking about those 'remasters' I was going to suggest you ask Spencer if he know what's going on with them. For some reason the other day when you posted that message about the Japanese Bonus I was sure you said you'd been talking to Spencer and it didn't even twig in my brain that Spencer isn't in the band any more :)
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Oh crap I said Spencer? Ugh. I blame the time change! Although I do have Spencer's email. I used to talk to him a lot. He sent me a bunch of picks. Some that he used way back in the day on tour. But then he just stopped talking and I said screw it.
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I don't remember if you did or not, but in my mind I thought you did. I actually typed it into my post before my brain stopped me and told me to check what I was typing :)
I suppose you could always ask him about the remasters, but if he stopped talking a while ago he may not answer now
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I probably did. I have done it before and checked myself. They're both named Michael! :rolleyes: He wouldn't know anyway. He's not on any of those.
Spencer stopped talking around the time he and Bittner went into business together on a weed store.
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Don't sell the guy short, he might know things, after all no one knew how good Murphy was on the drums until a few weeks back :P

Maybe Spencer is too busy product sampling to answer emails :)
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Gotta make you wonder why Testament are making such a big deal of their new hire, when they could have had the best!

I'm not sure that's the best business model :)
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It's alright we are all chuckling....even Chuck!!

Testament has made a few shortsighted mistakes lately :)

Might also be detrimental to the profit margin too :)
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