Classics Reborn

I don't really know if it's true, but it's another one of those cases of "why bring it up now?"
He's no KK yet, but he makes a point that he hasn't yet been invited to anything related to the final tour, then rehashes old shit like how much him leaving cost the band.
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I think one of the articles said $600 to be best man. Personally I was never a huge fan of Ace so I wouldn't pay, but I'm glad he thinks he's worth that kind of cash.
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I think it's funny the way he words stuff. Maybe, and given the last few weeks it's a big maybe, he doesn't mean it the way it sounds. It's not quite as toxic as the shit he's been spewing recently but he still seems to be re-writing history.
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BIIIIG maybe :rolleyes:

Some people love re-writing history. Not sure if they really believe what they are saying, have a shit memory. Or are very insecure and need to make themselves bigger.
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I think there is probably a large dose of not caring with a lot of people. Others might do it deliberately to see if anyone does try to debate them. But there is no doubt a lot of bragging. Bragging is a short term thing to most people.

In KK's case if he hadn't been making a dick of himself comments like inventing heavy metal and helping Rob be gay would be forgotten in a few days. it's really only because he'd made a dick of himself that his comments are talked about any more than other stories of shit.

Didn't Scott Ian cop some shit for embellishing stories in his book? No one seems to talk about that right now and he's doing spoken words shows which are no doubt based around some of those stories.
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God, he put leather and studs together and Metal was born? What a complete tool. I mean holy shit. I created Metals gayest look is more like it.
Yeah these comments just shit to his giant pile. Like he's just high on himself. Like Ben Stiller in Dodgeball. " I created myself! "

I'm trying to remember about Scott but I can't lol
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If you weren't there when he did it how can you dispute him :P

I actually think I remember reading here in one of the spoken words threads that he had some sort of controversy around his stories, but I could be wrong. I haven't read the book.
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I think there was one report on here somewhere that said he spoke for 3 hours and there was a couple of hundred people. I don't personally know anyone who went so I don't know how accurate that is.
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