"Clayman" tone test


Aug 26, 2004
Rochester, NY

I think I'm getting somewhere for that InFlames/Soilwork melodic death tone I've been looking for.

I think if i use a little less gain and play tighter when I record for real it will sound tighter

Guitars are Gearbox w/ impulses, CurveEQ, and SneapC4

Let me know what you think, I have come along way in the past month messing around with this stuff
really good sound! could you post some more info? (guitar, pickups, impulse that you use, post EQ)

Did you use curveEQ to copy the sound of a whole song or only the sound of guitars?
guitar is a parts guitar I built, from an alder mexican strat body with a custom spec'd carvin neck (ebony fingerboard, no inlays, jumbo frets,so nice!!!!)

Pickup is a Dimarzio Tonezone, which may be contributing to the messyness of it, I'm going to switch it out with a PAF pro I have.
Pod patch is the Cali Diamond Plate preamp with gearbox's tubescreamer. Curve EQ after the pre-amp is the 5150/soilwork spectrum, and is only on the hard L and R tracks.
Impulses are this one ENGL cab impulse (not the one on here) and One of guitarhack's impulses. All my impulses are on my harddrive and im not at home right now so I will get back to you on exactly the names of the impulses, i cant remember :lol:

Post EQ on the guitars are just the normal HP/LP filter and a 2k boost.

I aslo CurveEQ's the entire mix after some compression to match an In Flames song off of Clayman