Brand new song with moments of ambient and etherial vibe

haha, the words "ambient" and "etheral" brings devin townsend's mix of darkest hour's deliver us album to mind =]
very nice music and very nice on the ears =] love it
matt ! we need a tour together !

if in this life my band will ever make it to the u.s. , we need to play a tour together ;-)

the Ambient part in the middle section -> i really fell in love with that.
totally love those 3rds with delay and the vibrato !! that is some real music, man! me wants a floyd rose for my 2228 .... i had that in my 7strings...

this time though i feel, guitars sound a little too digital.
what do you think?

cant wait for the vocals on this song!
Thank you very much everyone!

Danny, that's a shame your band will never make it to the US. I would absolutely love to see you guys play. I'm glad you like the ambient stuff, and yes, the tremolo on my Ibanez S is outstanding! Yeah, it sucks a little tone compared to a hard tail, but I don't really care because its so nice to have to do stuff like that.

About the guitars sounding digital, I agree with you very much, and I was actually trying to fix that as I read this post. Its crazy because its the same setup I used on my other tracks but it sounds so different some times in different songs. I just tried to fix it by low passing them a little more and it should be uploaded now. It still has that hard POD sound, but I think its just going to have to do. The 8505 sounded like complete dogshit on this one for some reason. Unless of course someone want's to reamp with their Dual Rec for me! :heh:
Cool song Bro, the 8505 sounds less digital, thats true, but lacks some heaviness comparing to the 4 gearbox tracks. The opening riff sound better with the 8505 but when the drums and the rest of the mix starts i prefer the gearbox only version. Weird choice :p
Did you try boosting gearbox with a real od?
btw, what preset did you use on the pod? thats one of the best tones ive heard from one, very cleanish
I really like your music man

Another cool song but...isint there too much low-mids in the guitars? but...maybe i got something wrong with my ears :)
On a side note, I updated the original soundclick link with the Gearbox only version and low passed the guitars all the way up to 9k with a soft slope. Strange, but I think this version sounds the best now and that high end scratchy digital PODness has been reduced quite a bit.
Cool song Bro, the 8505 sounds less digital, thats true, but lacks some heaviness comparing to the 4 gearbox tracks. The opening riff sound better with the 8505 but when the drums and the rest of the mix starts i prefer the gearbox only version. Weird choice :p
Did you try boosting gearbox with a real od?

I think you're right. Like I just posted, I think the Gearbox one is the strongest to start with, so I revised that one and I hope its a lot better now.

btw, what preset did you use on the pod? thats one of the best tones ive heard from one, very cleanish

Thanks! Its the Diamondplate model with the Treadplate cab and 67 mic. I use a TSS VST plugin for a TS9 on two guitars, and boost EQ on the other two.

I really like your music man

Another cool song but...isint there too much low-mids in the guitars? but...maybe i got something wrong with my ears :)

There may be. I mix almost 100% on headphones these days and they tend to be a bit bright. Whenever I listen to my mixes in the car or something, I hear all sorts of problems that really get under my skin. I would really like to invest in a serious monitoring system.
Hey man, I think your Gearbox tones are better than the 8505. I've been using the latter a lot recently and there's too much inherent flat/digital/high-mid content. The Gearbox inherently wants to sit better and create more space in the mix. So whether or not it sounds more like the real deal, the fact is that it sounds better, so I'd say that's what counts.

I've still got a few-year-old version of Wake Darker Skies saved where your POD tones pisses on most real amp tones I've heard.
Hey thanks Ermz! That's why I keep going back to Gearbox because it seems to sit right with the way I mix my own songs. It never quite works out when I mix other bands, and I'm not quite sure why that is. I always really liked my miced up tones that I recorded many years ago, but that's when I was recording my whole band with the same room and equipment. The curve EQ spectrum I always use is from an old recording of my 5150 a decade ago and the Line 6 amp sims seem to take to it well, a lot better than using IRs which get really boomy and uncontrollable. Using impulses is a lot easier with EMGs because they remove a lot of that flub, but at the same time I lose so much of the sound I'm going for with them.
Once again, I dig the music and production, dude! Great job.

About the guitars sounding digital, I agree with you very much, and I was actually trying to fix that as I read this post. Its crazy because its the same setup I used on my other tracks but it sounds so different some times in different songs
Do you use your POD to track the guitar DI's? I frequently run into that problem too.
Once again, I dig the music and production, dude! Great job.

Do you use your POD to track the guitar DI's? I frequently run into that problem too.

Yes I did. I did some experimenting today and I was shocked by what I found. Every guitar chord I have yields pretty large differences in tone. I've never really payed attention, or listened to the DI tracks with distortion on them, but I did today. I usually use 1 of 4 cables:

3 foot Monster performer 500 Bass guitar
20 foot Monster performer 500
20 Dimarzio cable I've had for 12 years
3 foot Planet Waves cable

The 3 foot Monster Bass cable sounds the best just by listening to the DIs, very HiFi sounding, full and a very crisp high end, but I'll be dipped in shit, that thing translates into shrill, high end ice pick nonsense once run through Gearbox. That's what I used to record these DIs.

The 20 foot Monster performer and the 3 foot Planet Waves cables sound almost identical in the sense that they are extremely dark sounding by comparison to the 3 foot monster bass cable when listening to just the DIs. These have a much smoother tone when run through Gearbox.

The Dimarzio cable is somewhere in the middle of the aforementioned cables in terms of brightness, but still yields some shrill peaks once Gearbox is engaged.

To make a long story short, I'll be sure to track all my DIs going forward with the 3 foot PW or 20 foot monster cable and take notice that a crisp high end in the DI track may not necessarily translate into a good result, at least with VST sims. I have not done this experiment with a real amp so I suppose the results could be quite different with them.