Clear Lake, IA Show


May 26, 2003
Anytown, USA
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First off Big Thanks to Anthrax to coming to a small town in Iowa and putting on a Kick-Ass show! Best early Christmas present ever! It was great to be there at the last show of 2003. You guys kick so much ass, my buddies and I had a blast!

Brat-for answering the Surf Ballroom trivia question first, way back when, your prize is...I touched John Bush for you several times! He threw his t-shirt into the crowd, but nowhere near me. Don't know if I would've parted with that for you though!

Setlist: (First 3 after the intros are in order-after that-??)

Blues Bros. intro
What Doesn't Die
Got the Time
Caught in a Mosh
Safe Home
Nobody Knows Anything
Dethroned Emporer/Belly of the Beast
Room For One More (Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!)
Be All, End All
Whiplash (up to first verse)

I'm pretty sure that's everything. About 500 people there. The crowd didn't seem to really get into during Got the Time, which was surprising, but everyone went nuts right after that when they played Caught in a Mosh. That's when all the stagediving started. The only bad thing about the night was that security was minimal, which was allright until a few jagoffs got onstage and bumped their equipment around. There was no barricade (cool for all of us in the first row) and only about 5 security guards up front. It was ok till Caught in a Mosh, then it seemed like everyone was getting onstage, and that was when the few dickheads shine. Anthrax handled it all pretty well, and after they said something, it toned down a little bit. At least 30 times someone got on stage, a lot of them big huge dudes-Scott and Frankie got a kick out of that.

Anyway, show was awesome, Rob C. interacted with the crowd a ton (In May it seemed like he just hung in the back and played) so that was cool.
Scotts new Matrix guitar-Looks awesome!
Thanks guys!
DarbysDad said:
Sounds like yoy had a great time and got a great show. Right on. Are you hanging in there at work today?

I had a little bit shorter day at work today than normal-still about 10 hours. I just got home, it's 5:00, my ears are still ringing and my neck is completely trashed. My buddies I took to the show all loved it even though they don't really listen to any metal. Another guy I know was there and he's never really listened to Anthrax, but he loves to tear shit up in the pit, and after the show he was grinning from ear to ear. Today he tells me, "That was awesome. Let me know when those guys come through here again."
CyThrax said:
Another guy I know was there and he's never really listened to Anthrax, but he loves to tear shit up in the pit, and after the show he was grinning from ear to ear.
Yeah, Anthrax can have that effect on you. And like ThraxDude says get them XMAS CD's or Hanakah or Kwanzah whatever their deal is.
I might buy WCFYA for my friend that really liked the show. I paid for their tickets.
I got 3 tickets and a t-shirt for $50. Not too damn bad at all. They even had some shirts there for $15. Must've been trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible before they head out on tour next year.

This was the most fun I've ever had at concert. I still can't believe that there was 270-300 pound guys doing stage dives and people were actually catching them.

I'm still excited today. Awesome show, caught 2 of Frankie's picks, got a cool tshirt and didn't even have to drive 3 or 4 hours to see it. Hopefully I can see them again soon sometime.