Cliché Metalcore is a lot of fun. (WOAH MEGA MIXING DETAIL)


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008

Easily my best sounding recording yet.
I don't know what the fuck I did, but everything sounds so much better than usual.
Been working on my eq'ing recently though, everything usually occupies similar frequency spaces with my mixes, so I've been trying to change that.
Been working on guitar tones aswell. Can't ever seem to get anything but fizz out of the 5150mkII, but I'm getting the art of making it sound good down pretty nicely in a way that works for me.
A bigass 1k boost, open another eq on top of that, remove some fizz with a couple of cuts around 5k-6k, roll off above 10k, roll off below 100hz, a bit of a cut around 400hz-500hz to control the low end a bit more, and a bit of a cut around 200hz, a boost around 1.5k-2k and I'm in the ballpark.

Vocals, dunno, couldn't be bothered to set up my other preamp, so I just used my SM57, can't remember the EQ, bit of a 500hz cut, a high mid boost somewhere, a slight boost above 10k for air, and rolled off below 100hz or so, plus some other shit.

Bass, pitch shifted guitar through revalver. Basic 100 amp model, gain 10, bass 8 or so, treble around 7. Deep switch on, and then a custom cab thing on revalver's other, better, less CPU intensive cab sim.
Wavearts trackplug on top of that, fairly heavy compression, Brick wall filtered up to 40hz or so. Rolled off below 65hz, heavy bass boost at 100hz, a healthy mid cut, and a boost around 5k.

Drums are all AD. Used AD's distortion on the snare from about 1.5k upwards to bring out the ring while preserving the low mid attack. A big high mids and high boost, a huge boost around 200hz for attack, pitch shifted the sonor snare up a bit, a fair bit of compression and some of AD's room reverb.

Kick I scooped more than usual, and less low end, more click.
Bounced that, then added low end with Wavearts Trackplug because AD's EQ is shitty and unresponsive with kick lowend for me.
I know it's too quiet, so I'll bring them up, but I wanted to just get the song posted :p

used different cymbals this time because the ones I used before just distorted loads in a dense mix, loads of pumping from compression. Even during my earlier mastering tests for this track, these ones just wouldn't pump or distort, however much I limited the living daylights out of it.

Lots of overheads, very little room mic, no kick in the room mic, and not very much snare, its pretty much inaudible bit what is there just brightens the kit up a tad.

I'm crap at mastering, so it was just a bit of Wavearts Trackplug EQ (I swear by that EQ :D), some very light compression in Trackplug, like a 2:4:1 ratio, about 3db of gain reduction going on, Nuendo's multiband compressor to squash the low mids a tad, turned the master fader up a bit, and finalplug to add a tiny bit more volume and "bigness."

Any suggestions for the mix?
And if anyone would like to have a go at mastering it, then just say, and I'll get the mixdown uploaded.
Actually I liked the kick as it is. (But at the moment I'm only listening on headphones - don't know about the lowend).

I think there is still a little bit of pumping going on.

Would you share your AD-preset? The snare sounds great.