Click track within guitar DI track?

Apr 14, 2010
hey guys,

I have just noticed a weird thing. I have a rhythm guitar DI track and when the guitar is not playing I can hear some hum and the CLICK track the guitar was recorded with. it's very faint but audible if boosted by an amp sim.
how did it get in there? is it possible for a pickup to pick up the click track?
I was given the DI tracks so I'm not sure which pickup was in the bridge position. guitar was a LTD ben savage, so crunchlab or liquifire.
could it be a shielding issue and is it possible with active pickups too?
I've had it happen with EMG 81.

Obviously you can't retrack at this point, but if you could, have the guitarist face away from the monitors, maybe turn them down a little, or use headphones.
you can have this with EMG 81s and cranked monitors like wutz says. Had this issue also, noticed during soloing some guitar parts. There was nothing to hear anymore when the mix was done.
I've noticed that some people tend to cross the headphone cable with the guitar cable, which in some cases will bleed the signal through(But then you'll have allot of noise and harsh feedback in the signal as well.).
Had this happen to me before with LP Studio stock pickups. Could only hear it on a long chord ring out that I didn't hear until reamping. Luckily I was able to re-track it real quick. So now I go headphones or face away from monitors. Lesson Learned.
I sometimes get this during pauses, I've never had it audible any other time. As far as I can tell, it's really not a big deal.
I automate the click volume down for parts where I know there will be sustained notes but also sometimes use the click bleed into the pickups for effect.
Totally normal. Guitar pickups are transducers just like any other, and will pick up sound in addition to just the strings. This is why I'll have guitar players listen in headphones a lot, even if they're right next to me, so that the click doesn't bleed as much. They can turn it up as loud as they want.