Climate Change and Related Issues

^ Hahahaha! In this case it's more don'ts than do's. So the Japanese are now not only killing whales (and dolphins, and…), but they're making incredibly polluting products.


Thanks for editing the name of the thread!

Good for Nokia, Finns should be proud. I have a Nokia mobile hehe.

It's a horrible catastrophe, the "leak" may continue till Augustus.
The Gulf Oil Spill is disgusting and upsetting. Wikipedia says that up to 100,000 barrels of oil are spilling into the ocean per day. That's 7,400,000 USD worth of black, toxic sludge being released into the ocean. How are they ever going to clean that up? It's going to end up in the fish that people eat. :ill: And with hurricane season around the corner, I have a feeling that it's going to get a lot worse.
I guess things will be mixed up a little bit (sorry for the cynism). As I heared the oli reached the loop of the gulf stream. In the end that isn´t a single concerns fault. Concerns do what they think they should do in order to satisfy the demands. Who is the demands ? In the end everybody in western countries.

By the way, my personal steps against global warming: Drive as mutch by bike as possible, think effective and stuff like that (but only when effectiveness has positive influence on the environment, elsewhere (for example when it comes to own hobbies and stuff like that, effectiveness is overated. In what society do we live where anything shall work faster, even art, fun, joy, love, stuff that makes life liveable)).

Best regards, look forward, anything might work out as it works out (maybe)
The Gulf Oil Spill is disgusting and upsetting. Wikipedia says that up to 100,000 barrels of oil are spilling into the ocean per day. That's 7,400,000 USD worth of black, toxic sludge being released into the ocean. How are they ever going to clean that up? It's going to end up in the fish that people eat. :ill: And with hurricane season around the corner, I have a feeling that it's going to get a lot worse.

Indeed, it's simply horrible. Interesting that you mention the fish, since most of them have a lot of methane in them.

Have you seen this?

Canada's Tar Sands.

I'm pretty sure our awesome prime minister will take advantage of the spill, and try to move all the companies to Canada. "Keep the forests on one side, destroy the other" must be his motto.

I guess things will be mixed up a little bit (sorry for the cynism). As I heared the oli reached the loop of the gulf stream. In the end that isn´t a single concerns fault. Concerns do what they think they should do in order to satisfy the demands. Who is the demands ? In the end everybody in western countries.

By the way, my personal steps against global warming: Drive as much by bike as possible, think effective and stuff like that (but only when effectiveness has positive influence on the environment, elsewhere (for example when it comes to own hobbies and stuff like that, effectiveness is overrated. In what society do we live where anything shall work faster, even art, fun, joy, love, stuff that makes life liveable)).

Best regards, look forward, anything might work out as it works out (maybe)

I don't think it's only Western countries, but nearly every country on Earth that is dependant on petrol. Certainly Western ones, i.e. US, do more damage due to the size of the country and their lack of control towards everything, but it's every country.

E.g., I'm very sad that CR even bothers to import petrol. There're so many natural and renewable sources here, that we should barely need any petrol at all.

Posted 28 May 2010 - 11:23 AM
If what’s going on in the Gulf of Mexico sounds a bit familiar to those of us alive in the 70s, it should. It happened 31 years ago.

From MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow:

BP says it's waiting to see whether the top kill it started yesterday is working to plug the Deepwater Horizon. As of last night, BP said that what appears to be coming out of the Gulf of Mexico well now is drilling mud and not oil. It's a hopeful sign, anyway.

While we're all waiting and hoping and praying and getting madder and madder, consider a report from Deja Vu Land. In June 1979, an oil rig called the Ixtoc I blew up in the Gulf of Mexico. Amazingly, the sad and sorry tale of the Ixtoc oil disaster involves many of the same players and the same desperate techniques for stanching the oil gushing into the Gulf.

The oil companies keep talking about how technologically advanced they are, but what they have gotten technologically advanced at is drilling deeper. They haven't gotten any more advanced on how to deal with the risks attached to that. They haven't made any technological advances in the last 30 years when it comes to stopping a leak like this when it happens.

All they've gotten better at is making the risks worse, by putting these leaks further out of our reach. Wow, hey, congratulations. Now the thing you can't stop is a full mile underwater. That and making themselves the most profitable industry the universe has ever seen, and I am not exaggerating.

For those of you already checking out the Wikipedia article about the Ixtoc, please pay attention to the fact that it leaked into the ocean for 10 months before it was stopped. Already a month in to our present disaster, are we really going to let another 9 go by when all of this can be stopped by simply blowing up the well?

Considering that such an action would cost BP billions in unreachable oil, what do you think?

Ixtoc I oil spill wiki

Obviously their billions are more important than… anything else.

And not only that, remember the one in Alaska some years ago.
I don't think it's only Western countries, but nearly every country on Earth that is dependant on petrol. Certainly Western ones, i.e. US, do more damage due to the size of the country and their lack of control towards everything, but it's every country.

Right, true, I just wanted to point out it are western countries. But emerging markets and especially developing countries will follow, since they try to achieve the same living standart we have.
Right, true, I just wanted to point out it are western countries. But emerging markets and especially developing countries will follow, since they try to achieve the same living standart we have.

The poor ones have it worse, since those countries have "less" money than developed ones. Countries like the US have the potential and resources to cut their carbon emissions, but they just don't want to. 3rd-world countries, on the other hand, don't have much choice.