Climate Change and Related Issues

GONE Ridin' Hood

Jul 8, 2005
I wanted to know what you guys do in order to stop global warming. If there's another thread like this feel free to close it Rahvin.

As I still live at home there isn´t a lot of things I can do. I always buy ecological food when there is any, go with public transport and so on though.

It´s great that people try to make a small difference, even if it´s just to comfort their minds when they go on a new years-trip to Indonesia, but I don´t think the problem can be solved that way. The issue is, contrary to Gores stance, a political and not a moral issue, but then I guess he has sort of adapted himself to an USA:ian audience.
Most of the time i walk to go to uni (its only a 15-min walk), I recycle, I use batteries that you can reload, I only have energy saving light bulbs, i try to buy "bio-food" when i can afford it (its damn expensive)...
But when it comes to long travels with the train, i sometimes wish i had a car because the connections arent always bvery good with the train, and you end up losing time and being tired because of it.
Uh... I severely doubt we can or should stop the natural heating/cooling phases of the Earth. Ice Age? We had nothing to do with that. Shit happens.

We might be accelerating it or increasing its severity, and I would err on the side of caution rather than risk, but aside from recycling, cutting down on pollution and pursuing alternative fuel, there's not much else I suggest we do to "stop" global warming.

Once I read that the National Parks service had been mismanaged badly in the past. They tried to maintain equilibrium in the wildlife and geological features. It seemed to them that "preservation" meant to keep things exactly as they are. They soon realized that their "preservation" was damaging the ecosystem, which needs to fluctuate and adapt as the environment changes. Species die, new species evolve. They realized that to preserve the ecosystem, they just needed to control human influence and allow nature to do its thing. In the same way, we humans have gotten very cushy with the way Earth is now. We want to preserve it exactly as it is, but we don't realize that millions of years have gone by for which the environment changed, and species adapted or became extinct. In our vanity, we cannot accept extinction, and fear we are not able to adapt enough or simply too proud to want to, and so we try to force Earth to suit us, instead of trying to suit the changing Earth.

So I always find arguments about global warming, an uncertain theory, for which again it is probably better to err with caution than risk, to be comical. Comical because it implies, as I stated, that humanity wants to shape Earth around us, rather than us around it, as the other species do.
The biggest problem of the earth imo (I just accidentally typed emo, I guess they are a problem as well) is overcrowding. The planet just cannot support so many people for a longer period of time. We are already using up more than the planet produces (in regards to natural ressources, energy, O2 (which we convert to CO2 and other gases that damage the ozone layer) and space to live in) and we are still becoming more and more.

@ Kenneth: To deny humanity's role in global warming isnt't a view someone can really hold any more. The exponentially increasing temperature and the number of natural disasters are too similar to the increase of greenhouse gases caused by mankind.

What can be done against it:
Well everyone should do his/her small part by recycling, energy and whatever there is and governments should encourage that behaviour. In the long run however only a decrease of the number of humans on earth will help as horrible as that sounds except if mankind will be able to substitute nature with machines but that is a vision I definitly don't like.

^ I would like to know if any of you see this the same way. *tries to encourage a discussion of his own post*
By the way i agree with Kenneth R. and especially with this:
I severely doubt we can or should stop the natural heating/cooling phases of the Earth.
Really glad to see i'm not the only one who thinks that.

@Matse: I've probably said it many times before, but the human race is like a bacteria culture. We'll grow and grow and multiply, until we've used up all the resources and end up drowning in our own shit (CO2, polution etc).
As for the rest, yeah, everyone can try and do their own small part and i'm all for that, but if the governments of the countries who produce most of the polution (like US and China) don't take measures, in my opinion nothing can be done.
By the way i agree with Kenneth R. and especially with this:

Really glad to see i'm not the only one who thinks that.

Except that this time it's heating much faster and it's getting much hotter than the last periods of "global warming". And what's the main difference in between the last time and now? That's right, human activity.
Except that this time it's heating much faster and it's getting much hotter than the last periods of "global warming". And what's the main difference in between the last time and now? That's right, human activity.
What people don't realise is that the human race might die, but the Earth will keep going. Might get rid of us in the process, but she will heal herself eventually.
@ Siren: I know we are like a virus (greetings to Agent Smith from the Matrix here) but I am saying it has to stop although I know it is close to impossible. But only close to it not completely impossible.

Did you know 100% of optimists have a more positive view of their future than pessimists :) .
What people don't realise is that the human race might die, but the Earth will keep going. Might get rid of us in the process, but she will heal herself eventually.

Who cares about that? The only thing that matters is our survival.
By the way i agree with Kenneth R. and especially with this:

Really glad to see i'm not the only one who thinks that.

I agree with that as well. The earth's temperature has always fluctuated and always will fluctuate. I agree that pollution control mandates are usually good, but honestly, its not like we can force the earth to be a certain temperature. I don't even think we've seriously exacerbated the situation. Remember the mini ice age in Europe not too long ago (geologically speaking)? Humans were around and had nothing to do with that aberration. Even so, :puke:

The only thing I don't like about global warming is that it's not going fast enough for me to see the next ice age wipe out half the planet. *sigh* What I'd give to see Armageddon with my own eyes.
Who cares about that? The only thing that matters is our survival.
By "our survival" you really mean "your survival" and perhaps "your kids' survival" as well. So you just have to hope that we hang on long enough and that things don't turn really bad while you're here to see it.

That's such an egoistical way to see things. You know, there is a bigger picture.
By "our survival" you really mean "your survival" and perhaps "your kids' survival" as well. So you just have to hope that we hang on long enough and that things don't turn really bad while you're here to see it.

That's such an egoistical way to see things. You know, there is a bigger picture.

I think he meant that "Earth will keep going after we die" is not really of any good to us, and in that case I agree with him.