clips have been posted of new kayo dot songs


Nov 9, 2001
from the upcoming split with Bloody Panda at

i tried to post them at ours too but they haven't shown up yet; maybe tomorrow.

i really like the unison bits in the first recording (at like 7, 29 and 48 s). bc of the myspace quality i can't hear the chords that clearly on the second recording. who's singing in that second clip?

will buy 100% defos (still have to grab the l l l l l l l l ll l l loft thing too)
yeah, it's actually gatefold and folds out to 2 outside panels and 2 inside panels. the artwork is huge and looks very nice, imo. you know, with all the downloading people do these days, you gotta give them some reason to buy this crap. :)
Those samples are great. I'd never heard Bloody Panda, but I'm looking forward to checking them out.
they are really good at creating a creepy atmosphere. i like them much better live than recorded, for this purpose - they are definitely worth venturing out of doors to see play. and the samples i've heard of their songs from this split are great, too.
haha good point, I would love to be able to give out CD-rs to people who buy them at shows who want them. These tracks, I'm sure though, will sound much better on vinyl than digital since they were recorded with that intention. Actually I'm really psyched for the dowsing anemone vinyl too, which i think would be a more apt medium for those recordings as well.