clips have been posted of new kayo dot songs

If they are limited to 1000 we'll need a bit of an alert when they are in your hands for the sale. I think I also need another of the new shirts as the one i have now has shrunk :(
the beautiful thing about splits, singles, b-sides, bonus tracks, etc is that you have all this liberty to try out things you normally would hesitate to try out on an album - she did an excellent job, by the way
good songs i guess...

only vinyl? don't have vinyl player anymore!

toby, would you exchange cd-r with me? i would give you some good brazilian stuff (non metal) and you send me the split cd-r. done?
The artwork is awesome!! I didn't know you guys even recorded again, I try to keep up on Kayo Dot happenings and I've failed miserably. That is un-fucking-acceptable. We're going to have a discussion about this when I'm in Boston.

I need more.