Clips : Mesa Road King + 5150 TS-9 - Marshall w/greenies


Dec 29, 2005
we're finishing up recording and i uploaded 4 of 10 songs on there(cause we're lookin for a drummer, our bassists friend did the drums)

Anyway, I thought i'd post some clips and maybe some of yall might enjoy it

no eq'ing done, all just thrown straight down to take home for reference and im going in to do vocals in 2 weeks.

I wish i could have used my Splawn Pro-Mod, but i am happy with the results of the Road King + 5150.

I also used a ts-9 with the amps.

Marshall cabinet with greenbacks.

the amps were cranked like mad, which was awesome to feel it when you step in the room with the cabinet

Gibson Les Paul Classic with some custom pick-ups i had made was used for most of the recording.

It's pretty much hard rock/pop with some metal flavor here and there.

Sounds great! Very realistic. I almost want it to sound a little more "fake" but it sounds cool for a myspace player recording.
thanks! Well, im sure when its mix time that it will be a little more "fake"

the drums are all natural on there, so we are gonna add some triggers to it, eq the drums to get rid of any harshness and eq the guitars a bit more in your face.

I can't wait to hear how it sounds when we start mixing it and getting it how we want. Im very happy with the foundation of what is tracked so far.
dandan said:
It's pretty much hard rock/pop with some metal flavor here and there.

Clean vocals, then? Maybe some harmonizin'?

Put some of that over the tracks you posted, and I've got a friend who would marry your album. And the metal flavor would convince me to be his best man. :headbang:
haha yeah its mostly clean vocals, with some roughness added at the times where it fits. We're going to take a little bit of the 80s hair metal approach to back ups. We want to make certain parts really big harmonies (ala def leppard) hehe

It sounds modern, but most of my biggest influences are past bands

Thin Lizzy, Ozzy, Foo Fighters, Dio, Whitesnake, Def Leppard, Deep Purple, AC/DC, Stuck Mojo, Rainbow, Van Halen

If you want to hear a pretty cool solo go to about 2:50 on the "jpop" song. Our lead guitarist does some pretty cool sweep thing and tastefuly.

It's nice to have a real deal shredder guitarist in the band even though we don't play super technical music haha. He's all about paul gilbert, nuno, vai, its always fun watchin him go off.

thanks for the comments guys!
dandan said:
haha yeah its mostly clean vocals, with some roughness added at the times where it fits. We're going to take a little bit of the 80s hair metal approach to back ups. We want to make certain parts really big harmonies (ala def leppard) hehe

Bring it on! Lep = my friend's #1 all-time favourite studio act , and I'm certainly not scared of no big pretty harmonies.

Will the finished product be a demo, or available for direct sale, or is distro in the works? Keep us posted!:)
It will be a pressed full length cd and we plan on doing some small tours around the states by California :)

we know some people who are involved with major labels and management, but it doesn't mean anything unless we bust our asses proving we can draw/play.

So im looking forward to all of us bustin our butts once the cd is done to get it out there and gigging it up.
I fucking love our Road King. Best money we've ever spent. It's the ultimate live amp.