XSr™ Clips (JSX Clips)

Yeah tomorrow when I take the XSr™ to the studio with me. The first couple of hours I'm there I will basically do a shootout. I can do 5150 vs. Dual Recto vs. JSX, all into a couple of different cabs (don't want to get too rediculous with the clips!).

Well....nevermind about the 5150...my boss murdered it. Looks like XSr™ vs. Recto then...

cobhc said:
Murdered it? What he do to it?

Basically he left it on for the better portion of 6 or 7 hours without being hooked up to a cab. Trannies are frizzled mah nizzle.


Ok guys here are newly updated clips.

This time I didn't use the Ultra channel...it's nearly the same as the Crunch+TS-9 so why bother, right? The Crunch has a little tighter low end, so I'll use that one.

In the clips, the chain goes:

Mesa Oversized 4x12 -> SM57 -> Focusrite RED pre -> Delta 1010 -> Vegas

For both the XSr™ and the Dual Recto. Guitar, again, is my ESP/LTD EC-1000. Mainly the point of this is to show a MUCH better representation of the Dual Rectifier's tone. You'll hear how drastically different it sounds in a closed back 4x12 :). Anyway...I have a friend coming over today or tomorrow to record a track with the XSr™ over some drums and also we'll be layering the Recto with it.

In the meantime please comment on the new clips.

Told ya! I just can't wait to hear XSr™+Recto in a mix, I bet it's going to be killer.

Still like the JSX more! And now I find the JSX 5150ish and the Recto recoish!
I don't like the mids of the recto but the recto is killer mixed with another amp with "better" mids!
Cool. I think i've pretty much made my mind up that i dont like the JSX with active EMG's, but very much preffer the Rectifier WITH active EMG's. Don't really know what it is about the JSX with active pups, it just doesn't gell as well as with other amps. Maybee it would be better with the 85 instead of the 81.
Yeah, it is interesting to se what people preffer. I think it's the 81 that im not liking more than other EMG's. Moonlapse and I tried his C7 Hellraiser through my JSX and it wasn't too bad. Like i said before, I'd definately like to hear the JSX with an 85 in the bridge of the guitar, but so far i've neither heard or played a guitar with nicer pickups than a Jackson USA SL2H, which had a JB in the bridge. Damn shame the thing didn't play as nicely as I was hoping it would.
Still not done just yet Moonlapse :)

Like I said, tomorrow my friend is coming over with his (what a coincidence!) Jackson SL2 with EMG-85 in the bridge. He's tuned to C standard, and is an active death metal guitarist. He's really badass and he's going to be doing a track for me over some drums. He'll be doing JSX and Recto tracks as well as a ghetto bass (guitar->Whammy->DAW :lol:) track for it. The real test will be in a mix. Can't wait until tomorrow!

That should be great, man! Can't wait. There is a lack of low-end in the current clips that I'd be inclined (doesn't mean I'm right) to attribute to the EMG 81. It'll be interesting to hear how both amps respond with a pickup more similar to one I'm used to hearing (EMG707).

In the passive vs active thing that was going on above. I personally love what active pickups do to high gain tones. Whenever I put the Hellraiser into an amp I find the tone quality jumps a few notches instantly. It sounds more lively, controlled, articulate, present etc. etc.
Remember that Guitar is a mid-range instruments..low-ends are produced by the bass. I think you should check the sound in a whole mix and not only with guitars.
I've read shit like this "i've tried emg 85 and now I HAVE LOW ENDS AND I CAN COMPRESS THEM WITH ANDY'S C4!!!" Very ridicolous
I have to side with XeS on this one. I tend to set the guitars up with room for bass guitar whether it's just a solo guitar clip or in a full mix. I tend to get told "it sounds...like it lacks balls"...it's because I eq'ed it for bass guitar, even though there isn't one with it.

The true test, as I said, is in a full mix. Guitars by themselves have free reign on the frequency spectrum with nothing else to compete with. In a mix with drums and bass guitar...it has to fit in.
