XSr™ Clips (JSX Clips)


Jan 10, 2005
Alright, I just used the same riff for all of these, it's short...but I wanted to get something up ASAP so I just did this quick run. I used the JSX and a Dual Rectifier. The JSX is going into a Marshall 1936 2x12 with a T75 and V30 in it, the Recto is a combo with V30s. Both were mic'ed with an SM57 and that went into an Avalon VT-737sp mic preamp. The JSX tones are hardly even touched in post, only thing I did was a little mid scoop...but it's very small. Guitar is an ESP/LTD EC-1000 Deluxe with dual EMG-81's, into a Keeley Ibanez TS-9. Each clip of the amp is double tracked and then for the two clips with JSX+Recto it's basically quad tracked. Everything hard left and hard right.


Even though I have it up on SoundClick, the quality is degraded because of their mp3 encoding, so anyone wanting a high qual. mp3, just say so and I'll put a zip of the clips on YouSendIt or something.

More clips to follow, I need to do some drums and whatnot so you can hear it in a mix. Enjoy!

Well...it's not really fair to the Recto...first of all...the JSX has more warmth, has a smoother top end, etc. So when you hear the JSX clips and then Recto clip...it's a lot more harsh than it actually is, trust me. Plus, the Recto is a combo with an open back. Yeah V30s...but still open back. That contributes quite a lot to the sound...the open back does wonders for cleans but for distortion not too helpful.

Also, I really agree on the Ultra Channel + Recto, just seems to work. However, it's not exactly the same vibe as a 5150+Recto..basically I like it very much, but it's a different sound.

By the way, both channel on my JSX have the FAT switch on.

yo. the mixing of the two heads sounds really good. far better than either on it's own from listening to these clips.

and the crunch channel sounds better than the ultra imo.

I really like the sound of those heads mixed.
Cool. I haven't really tried to get a good tone for the type of music I played for the clips...the tone I used is the one for my blues-rock stuff...so...

Today or most likely on Sunday I will have a friend over to do some metal stuff. That's when I'll be dialing the amp for heavier music. In the meantime though I just wanted to get something up. :)

Don't download it dude, just click the arrow that says "hi-fi" and a little player will pop up and play the clip. :)

Yeah I hate the player for some reason... but actually it worked!
I like the crunch a bit better then the ultra but I like to hear the ultra with a TS!
The difference between the channels is quite small against the difference between the JSX and the Recto!

And yeah both amps together sound the best!
elephant-audio said:
Don't download it dude, just click the arrow that says "hi-fi" and a little player will pop up and play the clip. :)


And then you can do a little trick which i discovered few months ago.
1.Let the player finish the file.
2.Search in your temporary internet files directory for jsxclips+jsxultradualrecto[1].m3u
3.Change its extension to .mp3
Anyone who already listened - go back and listen again, I updated the clips. Also I put one up of the Ultra and Crunch channels together...so you could hear what a quad tracked JSX would sound like using both channels :p

Please listen again, they are updated and sound better now :)

xmarcelx - The Ultra channel with a TS-9 is kinda overkill. The thing is, the way I have the amp set, the Crunch channel with the TS-9 sounds nearly identical as the Ultra channel with no TS-9. Both the Ultra and Crunch channels have the same settings. Both are gain at 4, so that gives you an idea of how the Ultra sounds at such a low setting.

They all sound great. Dunno what happend to the dual rectifier, sounds like it got beaten down to me! Sounds quite cool combined, but i like the jsx on its own. Definitely has the 5150 vibe going on to me! Listening some more... That 4 track jsx is great! Sell the recto :p
Your Rectifier surely is more capable. Note that the Tone stack doesn't operate like a 'NORMAL' stack.
Thanks for the awesome clips. I like the tone - but have you ever tried an EMG 85 in the bridge position on the ESP? It will sound much thicker and better, and will probably solve the lacking low end issue.
Shane - no I haven't, but if you would like to send me an 85 to slap in there, please be my guest! :p I have actually been meaning to get an 85 for this guitar...dunno why I never get around to ordering one.

Mike - Surely!

Drive: 9 o'clock
Tone: 10/11 o'clock
Level: 1 o'clock

JSX Crunch Channel
Treble: 9
Mid: 4
Bass: 6
Gain: 4
Volume: 10

JSX Ultra Channel
Treble: 9
Mid: 4
Bass: 6
Gain: 4
Volume: 9

Master: 4

Guitar is ESP/LTD EC-1000 with EMG-81 into the TS-9. 11-48 strings, tuned to E standard, Dunlop gator picks 1.17ga. :)

Yes, the Recto has more to it...but the problem is the open back cab. There's not much I can do to it really.
