Cloning James Murphy?


Mar 25, 2005
Paris, France
Hello Guys,

Soon I have to record an original song for a CD compilation, and for that song I though it would be a good idea to have a tone like James Murphy's.

so today I've been through the pre-production process. to see how close (or how far...) I could sound to James' tone, I've quickly recorded a fragment of the "Return To Serenity" song, so I could compare the 2 versions.

I've done 2 different takes here: the 1st being played through a Marshall1960 cab, the 2nd through a Mesa Recto cab.

Here are the files:

the original version (played by JM)

my Marshall version

my Mesa version

Feel free to comment my tone, as i want to improve it, any opinion from you guys will be greatly appreciated! (especially you James!)

Thank you,

I think the marshall sounds a bit closer.

I think either tone would sound closer to the original if you used less delay on the solo. James' delay doesn't seem as up-front in the mix.

BTW, I would put this kind of thread in the "rate my mix" section next time.
Oh sorry, I didn't know about the existence of the "rate my mix" section. maybe some moderator could move my topic?

I agree with you, the Marshall is closer, and you're also right about the delay mix being too loud. but that one is easy to correct.

in fact, my main problem with this tone here is to avoid to sound like Yngve. because too many guys already do, and I would like to find my own path.
I have re-listened to my recordings this morning, and I've also found that my tone have some kind of... brightness perhaps? more than Murphy's tone. to my ears it seems (unfortunately) more Yngve-like. I think it may come from the way I have set my overdrive pedal...?

...any opinion guys?
good job... i used a Mesa Standard (oversized) cab on the original, and had a TS9 after the guitar most likely :D
Heyyy! here is the man himself!

glad to have your comment James. I've also used a tubescreamer on that one... would be curious to know your settings on that pedal... but perhaps it's a trademark secret, I can understand if you don't want to share this.

by the way, I've tried to send you a private message about a mixing/mastering business, have you received it?
would be curious to know your settings on that pedal... but perhaps it's a trademark secret, I can understand if you don't want to share this.
it's a secret yes... so i'll tell you, but you'll have to kill yourself after you read this... same for everyone else reading the thread, lol

ha, no well of course i don't really remember what settings i had at that moment, but it would not be a secret in any event.... so if i were to make my best guess it would be drive @ around 8:30, Tone @ somewhere between 11:00 and 1:00, Level @ 1:30 or so.

by the way, I've tried to send you a private message about a mixing/mastering business, have you received it?
i'll check my PMs... facebook is the best way to reach me these days though: