

Not actually Soy
Aug 26, 2006
saw it tonight... as a whole i have to say i liked it.
it was different, drew me in...

would i see it again? yeah...

but at a matinee price.

who else saw it?
Söy;6879510 said:
saw it tonight... as a whole i have to say i liked it.
it was different, drew me in...

would i see it again? yeah...

but at a matinee price.

who else saw it?

you mean Godzilla meets the Blair Witch?
it sucked fucking bigtime
show the damn monster for more than 10 seconds
keep the camera still for more than 5 seconds so you can actually see something instead of just getting a fucking headache
such a major let down after all the hype
yeah WD those are big reasons that some of the people i saw it with hated it

could be i just liked it because this girl and i were 'talking' the entire movie... idk...

maybe it's different sitting in the very front?
i've heard that it was good but i'm too lazy to go to the theater so i'll probably just download it. sadly i've pretty much ruined it just by seeing a ton of spoilers on the net so i doubt i'll enjoy it but oh well.
Everyone either loves it or wants to kill J.J. Abrams, it's not a movie you can be in the middle about I guess...

I liked it a lot. Comparisons to 9/11 or other terrorist attacks are inevitable and pretty valid, really; if you were on the ground while this was happening, which is sort of where the movie tries to put you, then you wouldn't have a clue what was going on. And I think, if they had just focused on the monster the whole time, it would have been just another Godzilla....which would have made the whole thing pointless.

I think I have some DRAMAMINE II: THE REVENGE OF DRAMAMINE (non drowsy) which still put me almost to sleep the time I took it and had to wait in line for rollercoasters at six flags.

I think I have some DRAMAMINE II: THE REVENGE OF DRAMAMINE (non drowsy) which still put me almost to sleep the time I took it and had to wait in line for rollercoasters at six flags.

Yeah, then I got stung on my neck by a hornet (wtf never stung by a flying insect before in my life) and had to get Benadryl. So that was that, we were both drunk and had to leave. We hadn't even been there that long :mad:
yeh if you get motion sick from 'shaky-cam' then this is probably not the movie for you...
I saw it yesterday afternoon. I enjoyed it alot.
Basically, all they did was take two dried up meidums and combine them into something that worked really well.
Yes, it is Godzilla Meets Blair Witch Project but is waaaaaaaaay better than Blair Witch and gave a certain reality to the giant monster genre. And I liked how doomy it was...

I loved how there were no explanations, no resolutions etc.

I can totally see this either being a movie your going to LOVE or one your going to HATE.

BTW the Star Trek teaser ROCKED!!!!!!!!
you mean Godzilla meets the Blair Witch?
it sucked fucking bigtime
show the damn monster for more than 10 seconds
keep the camera still for more than 5 seconds so you can actually see something instead of just getting a fucking headache
such a major let down after all the hype

I liked this movie for the reasons you hated it. I don't care about the monsters. They're monsters. I've seen that before in every movie ever. They aren't going to come up with anything neater/scarier than I have already seen. Show me the human drama of people trying to survive events way bigger than them.