

Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Worth the hype.

Non-brainer and a nice alternate take on the whole Big Monster movie. One of the few Big Monster smashes City films that actually had me feeling uncomfortable at times.

It has it's moments when it's very very shaky. Given the fact I have 1 good eye (blind in my right eye) and I didn't get a headache you should be fine.
Cloverfield is a continuation to a Japanese series. If they stay true there will be at least one more movie. Same time frame different point of view. I enjoyed it. Not as bad as blair witch in the shaky dept. Mayne necasue this one suspends disbelief so much better that at times you FEEL like the camera man.
Why is it always New York getting busted in these fucking movies? "Independance Day", "Godzilla", "Day After Tomorrow", "Deep Impact"... Can those fuckers hit Moscow or Berlin with Paris for a change? Only London's got to deal with the zombies on a regular basis, why don't somebody send zombies to Buenos Aires or Beijing...
Cloverfield is a continuation to a Japanese series. If they stay true there will be at least one more movie. Same time frame different point of view. I enjoyed it. Not as bad as blair witch in the shaky dept. Mayne necasue this one suspends disbelief so much better that at times you FEEL like the camera man.

The directer already confirmed no sequel.

I thought it was awesome!

Usually movies that are scary aren't actually good..just scary..but this was actually awesome too. I couldn't wait to see what happened next.

I would highly recommend it. At first the whole shaky thing sucks, but then you get used to it.
The directer already confirmed no sequel.QUOTE]

Not completely true. The thought is that the "sequel" will be the same time frame in the same place but from a different peoples perspective.

"Only time will tell. While we were on set making the film we talked about the possibilities and directions of how a sequel can go. The fun of this movie was that it might not have been the only movie being made that night, there might be another movie! In today's day and age of people filming their lives on their iphones and handy cams, uploading it to youtube...That was kind of exciting thinking about that."
Yeah i heard the after the credits but had no idea what was said. Apparently its someone saying 'help us'. Wooooooo.

Id rather see a monster attack new york than paris because its better to hear 'oh shit' rather than oi oi oi oi oi
Yeah i heard the after the credits but had no idea what was said. Apparently its someone saying 'help us'. Wooooooo.

Id rather see a monster attack new york than paris because its better to hear 'oh shit' rather than oi oi oi oi oi

Come on, be truthful and say that you (as anybody else in the world) like a fat Wall street stockbroker in the Yankees cap running around and shitting his pants, and dying in the belly of the beast.:zombie:
By the way, do you all notice that there are never bankers or lawyers among survivors in these movies? It's usually working class people + a cop + a doctor (or a vet) + a couple of nerds, but no those goddamn bloodsuckers. They 're all dead! :Smokin:
May be we should really get one or two disasters, just to get rid us of this scum.:kickass:
*******POSSIBLE SPOILERS*********

I will say this to everyone - make sure you watch right at the very end (just before the credits) and look out to the ocean. Even JJ confirmed this that there is a massive clue in that last scene and no I WON'T TALK ANYMORE ABOUT SPOILERS.