Co-Headliners for ProgPower USA Showcase announcement

WOW! What a way to start my week. Freak Kitchen was so amazing last year, and I have yet to see Vanden Plas. I am very excited about this one.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!! Another FREAKY showtime, I am going to have to take the rest of the day off. OH MAN!!!!!! J-DUBYA my Freak Brother, we can now party Hardy, woooohoooooooo.
Great Job Shane you are the greatest.
WOW, talking about KILLER ANOUNCEMENTS!!!!!!! Great Job.

thanks to Glenn for adding the bands to the t-shirts as well. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make sure Freak Kitchen brings t-shirts this time!!!
Geez. If Vanden Plas is headling the showcase, and the PP headliners are supposed to be even better...


They will be for some while others will say Vanden Plas should have been headlining the entire festival. The new Showcase definition works perfectly for a band like Vanden Plas in that they are a returning band that gets a longer set than they would have on the weekend. It also allows me the luxory of being able to stock the top with fresh choices and elevate other returning bands.

In the end, everyone wins and that is what matters most to me.

Dave and Justin both know that during all of FK's set I had this big goofy grin the whole time (along with a hoarse voice afterward, for singing so loud). They were the band I was most excited to see this past year, and they should be the same this year!!!

Now I might also have to try to get into some VP...since they're co-headlining and all.........
WOW! :OMG: WOW!! :OMG: WOW!!! :OMG: WOW!!!!!!!!

I'm sooooo happy Freak Kitchen will be back and I'm also thrilled to get to see Vanden Plas for the first time as I llllllllooooovvvvveeeee Christ.O. I really can't wait to see what Glenn has up his sleeve for Friday and Saturday with this announcement today... did I say WOW? :)