COB Fall tour rumor thread


Feb 18, 2014
I heard that the band were thinking of doing another romp around the states this fall

Who do you want and who do you think will be on the bill?

I know the black dahlia murder and arch enemy are apparently also looking at a tour in that time frame, so that seems like a likely scenario.

I'd personally like to see Battlecross open.

I know it won't happen but I'd love to see Dimmu Borgir or Hypocrisy on the bill.

I was super happy to see COB for the first time in March, and of course would love to see them again, but if the band needs personal time off / recuperation and decides against a fall tour, I would be okay with that too (they've earned it after all these lengthy tours). And if this were the case, that means they would probably be working on some new music.

Any thoughts on whats next for COB?
I just really hope they come to Raleigh, NC if they do hit the states. Lincoln Theatre would be perfect
Off-topic: I remember my first CoB gig. It was 2002 and tickets were 10 euros. And no shitty albums werent released back then.

I saw them earlier this year and tickets were like $25 which is really cheap, so I do not see your point, besides I'd pay a lot more to go to a show
I hope they come back to the UK and head up to Scotland. I remember being so pissed off when Wintersun announced a UK tour and it was pretty much only England and an Irish date.