CoB ftp

The Atlanta show is supposed to be 1 gig which is probably why it screwes up at the end because it screwed up on me while i ws uploading. Does anybody know a good program for me to make it a smaller file (compressor, divx sorta thing) and ill try to re submit it. And what is the right codec for the Montreal show? The sound didn't work for me.
Ulead video studio V5.0 is free and very good, convert AVI to MPEG or VCD formats..
i will do it , converto to smaller file cause i must record it to a CD 700MB limit :)
ok some server maintenance, back on in about 15 mins

edit: already done. Somebody was already so funny to upload a webcam pr0n movie and other random junk so i've deleted that. Also the trashed DVD was uploaded again, plz do NOT upload this one, cause the band needs to make a living out of it...
silent FTP, bodom FTP... :)

Children of Bodom - Concert (Nosturi.Helsinki 2003.04.05).avi is 140KB !!!
why did you delete the "Children of Bodom - Nosturi2003.avi" ?

i think the stuffs are finished :) no one uploads anything
Hey everyone, sorry if this is a stupid quistion but i can't get into download any of this stuff and i want Rotterdam very very badly and some of the other stuff ive heard people talking about. Oh yeah by the way if anyone is having trouble with the atlanta gig i'd be willing to send it to you trough aim or something else and it should play fine then as long as you have a divx player.
i have the username and password in but i still cant access it, it says it keeps timing out. Any help please? theres stuff i'd like to share.
The Atlanta show works great on my windows media player, no freezes. However when i play it in divx player, i get a smoother quality. In a few weeks i will be able to upload a few full concerts. I also may have an Impaled Nazarene bootleg that has alexi playing guitar.. well see in a few weeks. Someone upload the Detroit vid, and does anyone have those tv appearences that are on scythes???
NoCommands said:
thanks dude im in now, I noticed no one has uploaded reap and roll or passage to the reaper. Im assuming its becuase everyone already has them but if somoene wants me to upload em i will. I also have a necrophagist concert if anyone here likes them.

Oh yeah does anyone have the making of ETID?

it is infact on the FTP in the folder called "making of everytime i die".. just wondering. does anybody know of the exact date of the Kuovola show? it says Kuovola 1999, but i dont think there was a Kuovola date in 1999...
yeah sorry... My FTP thing wouldnt load well so i couldnt click on any of the folders at first. now its fine, im very greatful to everyone who took the time to upload stuff.
Lemons said:
it is infact on the FTP in the folder called "making of everytime i die".. just wondering. does anybody know of the exact date of the Kuovola show? it says Kuovola 1999, but i dont think there was a Kuovola date in 1999...

I'm quite sure Alexi is calling the name of the festival when announcing songs, like he always does. Don't have the time and patience right now. Use tourarchive on scythes.

good luck!
Man you are the best :] Thx for this ftp and all ones who uploud stuff. I'm downloading some clips.