CoB in the U.S.A.


Nov 19, 2003
Birmingham, AL
i figured i'd join the board after seeing you guys last night in atlanta. so this is my first post.

i just wanted to say that we really appreciate you guys being over here. after the show last night, everyone was praising your show.. not dimmu, hypocrisy, or nevermore. i was thrilled to see you guys, even if you were an opener of an opener. like anne said, you're getting your name out there and the only reason there's not a larger fan base here in the states is because not that many have heard you guys. pretty much everyone i've introduced you guys to have loved the sound.

main thing is just to say THANKS and hope you have a great time over here in north america. :)

heather grice::birmingham, al
Its true most people who are introduced to Bodom become obssessed I mean I converted a freaking ween fan to Bodom. :lol:

Remeber to spread the word to everybody you meet. Even if they have a terrible taste in music.

Oh and welcome to the board Heather.
ha, i work in the computer lab here at samford university, which is a private christian university. kids here are for the most part very conservative. why i'm here... don't ask. lol. but yeah, i'm sitting at the main desk wearing my COBHC shirt. plan on wearing it all week. :tickled:

when i get the chance, i try to introduce someone to CoB.
blast tokyo warhearts so fukkin loud everyone will be uh.. introduced to them :D

or set one different Bodom song as the windowz startup sound on each machine ...... !!!! hahaha!
oh, heather, you know you'd upset those little kids. they don't know what to do when they hear a song that has more than 3 chords!! :/
sphere said:
That`s not true - think of Mortification - I love them!

haha. it's a joke. ;D
heather and i know each other.. we met through a friend (he goes to the christian school with her).. and he's all about death metal.. and every time he tries to introduce us to some new christian metal band, he picks the WORST one he can find. haha. i give him a hard time about it. he's a nut.
i so screwed up when i met alexi. i was all "you guys are my ex's favorite band!" lol. because i mean, i love 'em and all but i was getting my shirt signed for my buddy more than my ex cuz yeah, she uhm.. long story. forget about it. but yeah. i think alexi thought i was a moron when i called the scythe a fork. lol.
Yeah, I was at the Atlanta show on Tuesday night. Children of Bodom was my biggest reason for going. The show was absolutely amazing and I briefly got to speak with Alexi and Jeff Loomis after the show, which made me very happy. I wish I could have stayed around and met the rest of the band but we had a six hour drive back, so we needed to go. Well, There will be a next time (AND I WILL HAVE EVERY ONE OF YOU SIGN MY COPY OF HATEBREEDER!).

Good Luck with the rest of the tour. See you next time around.

Kody Holt, NC
Sup Heather. My old town.. there was like 15-20 of us who love Bodom.. than I brought in, Skyfire, Norther, Mors Principium Est... and all these other bands into their lives. Now up here in Maine people make fun of me for listening to Metal... they think I worship satan and think it is untalented. Fucking bastards think metal is like Manson, Slipknot, and Cannibal Corpse. Bastards.
yeah, people here think i worship satan too. but it's ok, cuz i do.. lol, jk.

well, people are always going to find something different in others to tease only to try and cover their own flaws.. so just fuck 'em and don't worry about it.

listen to metal all the time ;D
@fingolfin:: did you come up to them in the bar? cuz if so, i most likely saw you. i was hanging in there for a while, watching people flow in and out, trembling in their awe of the almighty alexi.. haha.

one guy came in and i think he was so hammered that he didn't even realize who he was talking to. he looked at janne and said "who are you again?" lol.