CoB, I am so so sorry...

bobvex said:
Yeah, yeah, I used to believe in "the invisible man" they call god. But, George Carlin has taught me well.
Carlin is fuckin hillarious. I got almost all of his albums (just missing two).

And as per the CoB shows, the Portland one sounds like it was a shitter. The Seattle show was cool, not enough of the crowd got into it IMO. Right when they hit the stage I was just gone.

What really pissed me off was whoever those fucks were in the pit that kept elbowing everybody hard. I talked to a few people after CoB went offstage and I wasn't the only one getting brutalized. I took one elbow in the temple, one in the ribs, one right by the nuts, and a headbutt to the chest, all from the same guy. What a cocksucking mutherfucking shitty asshole cunt! Anyway, COB FUCKING RULED!

Wish Nevermore would've gotten the same response as Bodom did, I think those two should've headlined, Borgir just wasn't as involving. The crowd didn't seem to respond as well. And I think the guitarists were more showmen than Shagrath was. Anyway, here's to seeing Bodom again in Seattle real soon *chugs his... er... water.... damn school...*
I_Voyager_ said:
You guys were fucking amazing in Portland 3 nights ago, but the crowd was so fucking shitty. I couldn't believe it. You guys were the highlight of the night, and everyone was just like "Yeah, whatever." IT FUCKING PISSES ME OFF!!!! When you guys hit the stage, I went crazy, I couldn't believe I was actually able to see you guys live. Portland, OR, people here just suck. No body reacts when a great band comes here. I like living here, but the Metal scene fucking blows...
Whoa, yet more Portland mealheads!

**points and laughs** haha, you live in Beaverton!
well im going to sweden rock festival anyway! hahahaha!! JUDAS PRIEST!!!! CHILDREN OF BODOM!!!! AND!!!

M Ö T L E Y C R Ü E ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
CoB better come back to Portland, I missed the damn show.. Nevermind the fact that I didnt know when it was.. heh.. I still missed it. Though who else was playing in the concert, or was it just them.. Cause shit, if it was just them, then why the hell did stupid ass non-fans even bother.. Blah!?
But hey, im from the craphole of oregon where there are only like 2 goths, 4 metalheads, and 45,000 hicks/rapstar wanna be shitheads..