COB Interviews

Thanks, Alejandro, Sleeper, and Gorth!

"It's not a great f---ing feeling when you're playing in front of 3,000 people in New York, and all of a sudden you're behind the drum riser not being able to breathe and vomiting blood while people are chanting 'bulls---, bulls---,'" Laiho recalled. "I'm sure most of the people didn't know what the hell was going on..."

Alexi's far more forgiving than I, but he's probably right about that last part. I want to punch every single person in the crowd who did that. The likelihood that most people in attendance were little more than casual COB fans who hadn't heard Alexi was performing injured doesn't make the incident any less thoughtless or cruel. I've only ever heard of one Axl Rose, and in the very few instances I've ever witnessed performers walk off stage and not come back, there were always very valid reasons for stopping the show.


Dave Mustaine walked off the stage and almost didn't come back last time they played here. He really didn't have that much of a reason, claiming people in the crowd were screwing around with the soundboard, but that's not true, as I was standing right next to the soundboard and I didn't witness anyone touch it. (Except of course those who were supposed to be touching it). But everyone knows Mustaine can be a bit of an arrogant asshole. From what I heard before the show had even started, Mustaine was already in a crappy mood.:Smug:

As for the situation with Alexi, or any other musician that something similar has happened to, it only takes a few inconsiderate assholes to incite an entire crowd into doing something equally as inconsiderate or moronic.
Rather than editing my post above, I'm double-posting to show that there's new content:

For those who haven't heard, Hails & Horns magazine is now available online completely free and there's an interview with Alexi in the latest issue.

Click the "Read Online" link at the top of the main page, choose which option you want to view the content, and Alexi's interview is on page 80 (I think).

Props to Hails & Horns for taking chances on their format. \m/\m/

EDIT: This interview has already been posted, hasn't it? Well, crap.
There was a small piece of news in newest Soundi and I made a quick translation. Dont remember if Alexi has talked about the date when they head to the studio but according to this interview, its 1st of June.

Who would produce Children Of Bodom?

Alexi Laiho who spent his turn of the year in Los Angeles already has got some riffs for Children Of Bodoms seventh album. Singer-guitarists wanted however to keep vacation as vacation and hasn’t thought the album too much yet.
What he knows is that 1st of June they should be in studio. If Allu could decide himself, the album would be made again in Hollola (Petrax) with some good producer.
The agents of the band have introduced some candidates for producer already from Matt Hyde to David Bottrill, but no binding solutions haven’t been made yet. Laiho says that he wants Peter Tägtgren to produce again the vocals but otherwise he is quite sceptical about the whole producer-thing.
“I see no sense in that that we take some useless guy – with name or not – to smoke cigarettes and get payed”, Laiho snorts to Soundis news.

“We can handle this stuff quite well already, thanks. If in stead we could find a guy with good opinions to share already when the songs are made, I wouldn’t mind that. But I’m not so sure about that either…”

Could the solution be some musician-producer? Tägtgren isn’t only a producer. What if COB went to Josh Homme’s place to the desert.
“I don’t know. He might have a bit too much that certain radio-aspect. I wouldn’t mind even if they would play our songs in the radio but still I wont take a conscious path towards that. We have seen some guys who have worked with Tool and Rob Zombie. We’ll see.”

“But that musician-idea could be valid. One drunken geezer in LA came to explain that Devin Townsend would be the right guy to produce us. First I thought the whole idea was stupid but after I thought it a while, it actually seemed to be a quite good idea. Devin would have his own studio some where in Vancouver and well, he has done some good shit. But we don’t have any contacts yet to that direction.”

Already earlier, along with the gig in Seattle, Bodoms representation had a meeting with a very renowned rock- and metalproducer.
“We went to have couple of drinks with Terry Date. Beforehand I was afraid that he would be a typical star-producer who comes to us blustering with some Pantera-stuff. But he turned out to be a very nice dude. And surprisingly he indicated to know also our material starting from our first album. Nice guy on ground of one date.”
Good work, Celeb.

I really really really DIG that Devin Townsend idea. Like, really. I love it, in fact. I love Devin to begin with, and then for him to work with COB?? Whole new level for that band. They could seriously use a shake-up like that.

Fuck me, what a tease... No contacts?? You're Alexi-motherfucking-Laiho. It's not like Devin doesn't already know who you are. Make it happen, guy. I don't care how. Mommy needs new music.
Wowo thanks Celeb! In no Bodom-info months this is great, actually some good and real information on the process. I'm not sure I want a producer there with Bodom tho. Peter is ok, because he's good with helping with vocals and if needed he can get a hand on keys or so as he knows the stuff and, saving the distances and all that, I guess Hypocrisy's approach to studio wouldn't be that different from Bodom's. But extra producers, particularly big "I make hit" ones I don't think I want that around. Alexi knows how to wirite great songs himself. Seeing them go with Andy Sneap for some points of it (guitar tone comes to my mind here, and even better if they could improve the live tone altho I know that'll come later) would be awesome too. Exodus or Arch Enemy are perfect examples of clear recordings with massive and balls tone while remaining with clean and easy to understand tones.
^^No problem :) Im very glad to hear that Alexi wants to have Peter again to help with the vocals. But otherwise I dont really think they need a producer. As Alexi said, I think they pretty much know what they are doing so no outsiders needed.
^^No problem :) Im very glad to hear that Alexi wants to have Peter again to help with the vocals. But otherwise I dont really think they need a producer. As Alexi said, I think they pretty much know what they are doing so no outsiders needed.

Devin Townsend is amazing, and would add so much to their creative process and sound.
^^No problem :) Im very glad to hear that Alexi wants to have Peter again to help with the vocals. But otherwise I dont really think they need a producer. As Alexi said, I think they pretty much know what they are doing so no outsiders needed.

I agree on the no producer thing. And the idea of Devin producing Bodom is just :lol:. It's like trying to mix water and oil. It would head Bodom into an even worse/weirder direction than Blooddrunk took them.
I agree on the no producer thing. And the idea of Devin producing Bodom is just :lol:. It's like trying to mix water and oil. It would head Bodom into an even worse/weirder direction than Blooddrunk took them.

Not really, when you consider who Devin Townsend has produced rather than the direction he takes his own music. They aren't the same.

He's done production for Soilwork, Zimmer's Hole, Lamb of God, Ayreon, GWAR, Darkest Hour, and a bunch of others.
Listing a bunch of "omg metal" bands doesn't really do anything to change what their new album is going to sound like if produced by Devin. He's just not meant for good Bodom sound imo. If Bodom wants to at least go back to good production (compositions aside) then they'll go back with either Anssi Kippo or Peter Tagtgren and co-produce themselves.

Point being: I don't want to associate Bodom with any of those aforementioned bands.