COB Interviews

REQUEST: In commenting on one aspect of that last interview I'm at least partially guilty of this myself, but can we please get back on track with this thread (INTERVIEWS) and move the talk about the next album to its own thread (7th ALBUM)? It's getting annoying to click on this thread, thinking there's a new interview to check out, and it's really just more talk about an album that's not even written yet.

Soooo just asking if we can please get back on track with this thread. That is all.
Listing a bunch of "omg metal" bands doesn't really do anything to change what their new album is going to sound like if produced by Devin. He's just not meant for good Bodom sound imo. If Bodom wants to at least go back to good production (compositions aside) then they'll go back with either Anssi Kippo or Peter Tagtgren and co-produce themselves.

Point being: I don't want to associate Bodom with any of those aforementioned bands.

My point was just that he's produced a wide variety of different kinds of metal bands, from prog (Ayreon) to just crazy (GWAR). And that the way he does his own music isn't necessarily indicative of how he works as a producer.

As for whether or not it would be good for Bodom, that's just a matter of personal opinion. Where we clearly differ, and that's fine. That's how music goes. Ultimately, I'm sure the band will make the decision they feel is best as per their own opinions.
Actually, seeing how Japanese Hospitality sounds I don't think they need to get any producer. They just need to work on it and try different settings, but JH sounds really damn good imho (I loved the guitar tone e.g., while I can't seem to get along with Blooddrunk's guitar tone even couple of years after the release) so maybe Tagtren if Alexi is more comfortable with him around or they want some help from someone they trust, but I don't think they need no Devin Townsend or anything.

CHILDREN OF BODOM Frontman Interviewed By REVOLVER TV - Feb. 15, 2010

I can´t watch it :mad::mad: not available in my country. If anyone´s able to watch it - feel free to tell us if there´s some news...? :)
well in the interview Hes drunk as fuck
talking about how the new album will probably be out Next year
and How he wants to do a cover of Lady gaga
and how he wants Slayer to win a golden god award and how he thinks his girlfriend is the hottest girl in metal haha
its actually a pretty good interview even though you can tell hes shit faced
its actually a pretty good interview even though you can tell hes shit faced


He said if he had his way, the new album would out this year, but it's looking more like first quarter of 2011.

For the a new cover, forget "Poker Face" - do "Love Game." "Bodomizing" THAT would be well and truly fucked up. "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick..." (Wait, Marilyn Manson already went there. Nevermind.)

In response to Possum's query if he's going to participate in a jam: "Oh, Hell to the No. Dude, I'm off the clock. I'm drinking." :salutes the camera with the obligatory red plastic cup presumably filled with mystery contents:

And as for Alexi being wasted: That's what happens at NAMM. Period. It just does. So there you go. I have friends who only knew they were there because it was on their itinerary and their plane tickets and credentials prove they made it. (Okay, so that's over-stating the matter, since they usually manage to conduct SOME business while they're there. But you get the picture.)
No country did anything to anyone here, don't be stupid.

Anyway, I couldn't find the interview on youtube, so here's my transcription of it. My way of saying thanks to the diligent hard work of valkokukka and celeb.


Hill: Alexi, Children of Bodom, how're you doing man? I've seen you at NAMM a couple times. Tell me about the NAMM festivities. It's kind of like a big heavy metal party, isn't it?

Alexi: Well it seems to be, yeah. But right now, you know, this party is kind of lame. No offense to anybody, but I've been here for, like, five years in a row and I wanted to take a year off. However, I decided to do two signings. For EMG and ESP, and that's it. But you know, whatever. It's always good to be here and see a lot of friends and stuff like that.

Hill: That's cool. Now word is that there's going to be a big jam tonight. Are you going to hop on stage and play?

Alexi: Oh, HELL to the no.

Hill: Really? No way? We can't get you up there?

Alexi: Dude, I'm off the clock. I'm drinking. *laughs*

Hill: I hear you. Now let's talk about what's going on with the band right now.

Alexi: Well we just finished, like, 16 months of touring. So I had a month off, and I started working on the new material, and we should be hitting the studio by June.

Hill: So that's cool, are you planning a 2011 release? You're just going to take this whole year to put the record together?

Alexi: Well I'm hoping that it'll be coming out this year, but it's probably not going to happen. So probably the first quarter of '11. *pause* Then again, what the fuck do I know?

*Both laugh*

Hill: You're in the band, you know a lot more then I do! Hey so, you guys have been known to do some crazy cover tunes. You guys been busting out anything new?

Alexi: Well, I don't, I mean, well yeah, well, we just put out this cover album a while ago - there's some crazy shit in there. *smiles* But, I know we're always going to come up with something that's going to freak people out. And that's what we do.

Hill: 'Cause you guys take, like, some of the really cheesy pop stuff, and like- Bodomize it.

Alexi: Yeah, like Britney.

Hill: Yeah, yeah. Maybe like Keyshia (?) that new girl Keyshia. You could do a cover tune of that.

Alexi: You know what, we should do -

Hill: Tick tock!

Alexi: *laughs* we should do - No, no, we should do a Lady Gaga cover. That'll be fucking awesome.

Hill: Poker face, right?

Alexi: Poker face, or like, Paparazzi or some shit like that.

Hill: There you go! See, you know those song titles too, that's awesome.

Alexi: But I'm saying that, you know, that kind of music, you know, like, it's so easy to put it into - to dress it up in a metal format. You know.

Hill: Bodomize it! You gotta Bodomize these songs.

Alexi: Yeah, Bodomize it.

Hill: So the Metal Hammer Golden God Awards are coming up. If you could pick a band for a lifetime achievement award, who would it be?

Alexi: Do you mean, like, a band or a musician?

Hill: It could be a musician, it could be a band, but it's gotta be metal, and they gotta be legendary. Who deserves the award?

Alexi: Well come on dude, that's like -

Hill: Ozzy won it last year.

Alexi: I don't even give a fuck dude. No, don't get me wrong, I love Ozzy. But I'm saying Slayer.

Hill: Ok, there you go, Slayer?

Alexi: Yeah.

Hill: We got a vote for Slayer right here, that's awesome. Ok, so the last question. Everyone's been one to chime in on this. Hottest chick in metal. Who're you picking?

Alexi: *pause* Hottest chick in metal?

Hill: Yeah.

Alexi: Well dude, you know what? That'd be my fucking girlfriend, who's working in the business. She's pretty hot! I like her.

Hill: Alright! Cheers!
Anyway, I couldn't find the interview on youtube, so here's my transcription of it. My way of saying thanks to the diligent hard work of valkokukka and celeb.

Thanks a lot :)

So, about the interview. Pretty funny. Alexi seems to be a little pissed off but maybe its just because he is drunk and couldn't care less to give some interview. Well, that we'll never know. Anyway, nice to hear at least something about the band. It would be great if they released the album this year but the first quarter of 2011 sounds more realistic.
No problem. :)

And reading it, I can see where it sounds like he might seem pissed off, but there's a lot lost without being able to hear each person's voice and see their body language (like on the Lady Gaga part, and the Slayer part). I tried to add in some of the laughs, pauses, and stuff like that, but I definitely didn't get them all. There was a lot of laughing and friendly humor. Hopefully it'll end up on youtube or something. In the actual interview, it all seems pretty good natured. Alexi didn't seem drunk, but definitely buzzed.