COB Interviews

Just found some russian interview with Alexi made on 2009, at that time he was still thinking he will take guitarist position for Hypocrysi tour.

Sorry I don't understand russian.
Subtitles would have been a better decision - the speaker is annoying. :rolleyes:
indeed he is. worse than that he also used his own "cool" slang.

i won't translate everything because there wasn't much important said anyway.

TRANSLATION of what could be important:

*we took even Britney spears and covered her and considering that we did it on metal festival we also hung out with slayers dudes Kerry King is AWESOME cool AWESOME blahblahblah guy.

*I always wanted/dreamed to play with Pantera but obviously it is impossible.

*we are on tour for 17 months now and in Moscow it is our last stop (gig)
so now we will rest for a month or so and start working on new material and in Juni we will record it and then release another album and then everything from the beginning.

some really grammatically retarded sentences

*the album that we are intending to record is definitely going to be cool!
it makes sense to listen to us at least because we really own on our instruments and that is not so easy. CoB's music has another speciality, we have very memorable melodies that just crumble in to peoples heads and become part of their memories from which you can not run away.

*also i will be on tour with hypocrisy..... .... also nothing special is requested from me just to play guitar and it is easy thing for me.

hope it helps :erk:
A short interview tha I think hasn't been poste before. Nothing too exciting, though.

Ten Quick Questions

Jaska Raatikainen of Children Of Bodom

1. Which book are you currently reading?

2. Do you smoke?
A social smoker

3. When was the last time you got angry?
Two weeks ago

4. When was the last time you laughed until you cried?

5. Was there a movie where you could not bear to see the end?
The Quarantine

6. What character would you have liked to have played?
The Dude in Big Lebowski

7. "Law & Order", "Special Victim Unit" or "Criminal Intent"?
Criminal Intent

8. Who do you currently have a crush on?
Nicole Kidman

9. What's the best moment of your day?
Right after the first cup of coffee in the morning.

10. What song of yours do you think is your best?
In Your Face
Thanks for the ten questions. :)

(I think it's hard to remain as a social smoker. It seems like eventually you just turn into a full-time smoker...)
My brother is holding up quite well as a social smoker, though I don't know how things are since he's in Vienna for studying....

I guess the longer you smoke, the more addictive it gets, but I'm probably not the right person to talk about this since I'm a non-smoker.
Thanks for posting Stella! Great to see something new. There seem to be one or two interesting questions in it, too (but never trust Google translator :lol: )