COB Interviews

Here's a very new interview of Alexi and Roope out of the german RockHard november issue, which was published yesterday! It's in German, but I tried to translate it in English.. i tried :D I hope there aren't too much mistakes and you can get the meanings ;)
Sorry but I don't know how to upload the images of the interview? Can you help me? Because then you can see what I translated for you :D


Alexi, Roope, at which age did you start playing the guitar and what was the reason for that?
ALEXI: „I was 11 years old and I loved the sound of the guitar. Already at the age of 4 I liked rockmusic and bands like Dire Straits.“
ROOPE: „I was 12, when I started playing the guitar, and about one year later I took my first lessons. I liked the Sex Pistols and the guitar sound of Steve Jones was cool.“

Were there songs, riffs or solos, which drove you to distraction?
ALEXI: „I never give up. If I wanted something, I practiced so much, until it worked.“
ROOPE: „Of course you have to start with something someday. At that time, when I was interested in punk, I certainly was a bad guitarist. But when I bought Ozzy Osbourne's record „Bark at the Moon“, it was like I was strucked by lightning. It gave me an aim, which I wanted to reach.“

Are there still any songs or solos, which are a challenge for you?
ALEXI: „Maybe some stuff from Steve Vai.“
ROOPE: „ I think those people, which play certain things, didn't have to spend so much effort at the moment of the compositon or the recording. Why should I spend much effort on it, trying to perform it? Then I prefer to spend it on things, which come into my own mind.“
ALEXI: „That's exactly my opinion.“

How much guitars do you possess?
ROOPE: „I think about 15.“
ALEXI: „Yes, that's nearly similar to me.“

Would you call yourself a guitar-collector?
ROOPE: „Not really, you can always play only on one of them.
ALEXI: „Someday I want to have a nice Les Paul und a Stratocaster, but only for fun. I wouldn't play on them live.“
ROOPE: „Yeah, sometimes it's a bit difficult with our stage-guitars, to get a good clean sound.“
ALEXI: „Oh, we don't need a clean sound anyway.“

Do you have guitars, which have a special meaning for you?
ROOPE: „Yes, I played my Jackson Rhandy Roads Cuostom guitar for 15 years, therefore it has a special place in my heart. It is priceless. Though I relate some cool memories to some of my ESP-models.
ALEXI: „The first ones, which I get from ESP, are very special to me. Aber nothing can replace my two Jackson Randy Rhoads guitars, which were stolen a few years ago, there are too many great things I connect with them.“
ROOPE: „It's the biggest shame stealing guitars from other people because musicians often have an emotional connection to their instruments.“

Now you're both playing your own ESP signature-guitars. Is there only a difference in design compared to the normal guitar-series or do you have special technical features in them?
ALEXI: „Actually they aren't different from the normal models. It's important to be able to perform very well on them. They are handmade, which makes them more expensive, but also qualitative very good.. On the other hand are different among each other in some details, which is concerned to playability and sound.“
ROOPE: „I have some special pick-ups, which reproduce everything, what is happening on the guitar. And the neck is pulled a little bit forward to reach the frets at the top.“

Which of your guitars is the most precious one?
ALEXI: I don't have anything special, but I think the custom models on which we are playing, cost about 4500 euros in store, which is a bunch of money.“
ROOPE: „My custom models are maybe he most precious guitar I possess.

How important is the design of the guitar for you?
ROOPE: „Of course it has to look very cool.“

Alexi, I think I've seen a picture of you with another guitar than the ones with Randy Rhoads design. Could you imagine to stand on stage with another guitar than now?
ALEXI: „Not really. It feels so naturally to me, to play on it that I don't have any desire to try something else. But I think that's a question acclimatisation.“
ROOPE: „The design of my guitar is related to the one of Akira Takasaki (Loudness). That's the typical ESP-design for me.When I was a child I always looked at the pictures with him and his guitar and thought that this looks really cool.“

Do you prefer a special colour?
ALEXI: „I like it to mix senseless colour variations together. For example I have a black one with pink stripes. Apart from that I like shining colours. My next axe will probably be black one with bright green.“
ROOPE: „I mainly like white and black. Some of my guitars normally should be snow-white. But then the guys of ESP told me that they have a problem in their factory and they looked like...“
ALEXI: „... like yellow snow, haha.“
ROOPE: „Haha no, it was something like grey or so. But the really strange thing is, that they get a touch of green, when they get older.“
ALEXI: „That's really a little bit strange.“

Wire or transmitter?
ALEXI: „On stage of course transmitter.“
ROOPE: „A wire always has a better sound.“
ALEXI: „Yes but I don't fancy to mess around with a wire on stage.“

Pedals or 19“- effects?
ROOPE: „Rack-systems, but we only use less effects. Maybe a little chorus, but otherwise the sound is very dry.“
ALEXI: „No pedals. If you have found a sound and you can play with it, you don't need that anymore.“
ROOPE: „From time to time we have to rent equipment, and then it can be helpful, to use some effects, to get a acceptable sound faster. Then I sometimes an ovedrive for example a one from Boss.“

Amp modeling, tube or transistor amps?
ALEXI: „Tube amps!“
ROOPE: „Yeah definitely. They simply have the real punch.“
ALEXI: „Yeah, fuck that Line6-crap!“

Do you need more technique or more feeling while playing the guitar?
ROOPE: „Speed is as important as emotions, hehe.“
ALEXI: „First you should have a good technique and then you can concentrate on the musical expression.“
ROOPE: „For me it accompanies.“

Twin guitars or solo guitarists?
ROOPE: „With two guitars you can play better harmonies, support the other one etc.“
ALEXI: „Yeah man you are just more versatile with two guitarists.“
ROOPE: „Maybe Judas Priest or Iron Maiden wouldn't have been possible with one guitarist.“

What's the best and the most beautiful guitar solo?
ROOPE: „It's difficult to name a special one, because there are uncountable of them, but the solo of „Revelation (Mother Earth)“ from Randy Rhoads is nearly a perfect solo.“
ALEXI: „What inspired me a lot, to grow deeper into guitar playing was „For the Love of God“ from Steve Vai.“

What was your biggest influence?
ALEXI: „Definitely Randy Rhoads, but also the other guys, who were playing with Ozzy, like Jake E. Lee or Zakk Wylde. When I was a child I liked the Dire Straits and the old band of Roope, Stone.“

What's your favourite sound on a record?
ROOPE: „Dimebag Darrell sounded fantastic.
ALEXI: „That's my opinion. But I also like the guitar sound of Jake E. Lee on „Bark at the Moon“.“
ROOPE: „And of course the live-record „Tribute“ by Ozzy with Randy Rhoads.“

And which was the worst sound?
ALEXI: „Everyone, which uses these Orange-amps and such stuff or these shitty White Stripes.“

You don't like them?
ALEXI: „I hate that shit!“
ROOPE: „When I heard Twisted Sister for the first time, I wasn't playing guitar so much, but I directly realized, that this is a really crappy guitar sound.“

Do you still practice regularly and if you do, how long and how much?
ALEXI: „I don't count that time, but I spend almost every day a few hours to play the guitar.“
ROOPE: „Before touring or concerts I play very much and of course if we do a new record, too.“
ALEXI: „I wouldn't call that practicing, but I spend a lot of time with my guitar, because it simply makes fun.“

With whom you would prefer to talk about guitars and playing techniques: Angus Young or Yngwie Malmsteen?
ALEXI: „ Hm, Angus Young. Although, meeting Yngwie, would basically be more entertaining. Therefore Yngwie. I didn't meet him before, but I've heard many storys about him. They sounded very funny.“

Which guitarist looks best on stage?
ALEXI: „No idea.“
„Hetfield“, a listener shouts from the background.
ROOPE: „Yeah he looks really cool.“
ALEXI: „Zakk Wylde. And in former times also Steve Vai looked very great on stage.“

Do you think there is any underrated guitarist?
ALEXI: „Jeff Waters from Annihilator.“
ROOPE: „The guys, which are playing at King Diamond are very great. They go a bit down beside the hype around King Diamond's voice.“
ALEXI: „Yeah, Andy LaRoque is brilliant.“

Which guitar is so ugly, that you would go on stage with it?
ROOPE: „I don't like some of the old Gibson guitars.“
ALEXI: „I don't know why, but I really don't like the SG s.“
ROOPE: „Yeah that's a pizza-shovel, haha.“

Is there a difference between your equipment in the studio and on stage?
ROOPE: „No.“
ALEXI: „No. Beside our signature models we also use the Lee-Jackson-Pre-Amp. Actually that's the most important thing.“
ROOPE: „I've also used a Sans-amp und in former time soem effects, but now we went back to the basics. There isn't much more, which would be very mentionable or important about our sound and about the guitars and the Lee-Jackson-amp.“

Do you still go to music stores to try new things?
ALEXI: „I simply haven't enough time. Recently I gave an interview in a guitar store in Los Angeles. There were several very rare vintage guitars, for example stratocasters, which cost 100000 dollars. The owner said, I could take one to try it. That's what I did then. It was a Gibson ES I think from the 50s from B.B. King, which was 150000 dollars worth. But I was more employed not to damage it, than playing on it. Then I also tried a strat, which costed even more than the Gibson of which reasons whatever. But these guitars were very good.“
ROOPE: „I've changed the strings of an 54er stratocaster, because I worked in a guitar store. I simply wanted to look more closely to see what's so special about these guitars and to take a look at the pick ups to see them from the inside.“

Do you prefer the stage or the studio?
ALEXI: „ These are two different things, but I really like the live concerts very much.“
ROOPE: „On stage you can make as many mistakes as you want to, in the studio that's not working. Haha.“

Which things on stage worry the most?
ROOPE: „ A surprising feedback, which is blasting your ears, that's really bad.“
ALEXI: „Yeah, or if any crap is interspersing over the transmitter of the guitar.“
ROOPE: „Or if suddenly out of any reason the distortion or the power is missing.“
ALEXI: „ Yeah that's the most annoying thing, if suddenly the distortion disappears.“

Do you have any rituals before you go on stage?
ROOPE: „ Drinking a few beers und take my clothes off, before I take on my stage outfit, haha.“
ALEXI: „I play guitar to become warm, drink a beer and talk stupid things to the others.“

On which classic album would you have liked to play guitar?
ROOPE: „If I had played on it, it wouldn't be a classical one, haha“

Is there any song or solo from you, of which you are very proud?
ALEXI: „Hm, no idea. They are all fuckin' dynamite! Haha.“

Enjoy it ;)


thanks sleeper, it worked :) so now you can see the original article from RockHard magazine, but as I already said, it's in German.
Yeah, that was a really interesting one. Guess I'll buy it tomorrow. Thanks a lot for all the work, gunda!

Jose, that would've been a nice one to put your translating skills on the test :lol:
^Haha was just poking around a bit, we all love you :lol:

Yeah, that was a really interesting one. Guess I'll buy it tomorrow. Thanks a lot for all the work, gunda!

Jose, that would've been a nice one to put your translating skills on the test :lol:

Haha with my current German skills it'd have taken me like a week or so to get it done, and it'd have had a thousand mistakes :lol:
I thought it was funny when he said fuck line 6(which are solid state) because he likes tube amps, yet when they ask him about favorite sound on record he says Dimebag. Dimebag used solid state amps on every album up until his Krank amps came out in 04 or 05.
I always wanted an instrumental song. Even if it's only 1. It wouldn't be much different from regular songs, but the keyboard/guitar battle could stand out more.
And seeing how Alexi isn't fond of doing vocals, it's actually a bit surprising. But in the end it really doesn't matter that much. Still interesting to hear his thoughts about it

I always wanted an instrumental song. Even if it's only 1. It wouldn't be much different from regular songs, but the keyboard/guitar battle could stand out more.

Sioux City Sarsaparilla is just instrumental. I think Alexi just wrote it for the "Guitar Heroes" album (please correct me if I´m wrong). But it`s without a keyboard.