COB Interviews

Children Of Bodom Interview

A Conversation with Vocalist/Guitarist Alexi Laiho

By Chad Bowar, Guide

The seventh studio album from Children Of Bodom is Relentless Reckless Forever. It's the first time the Finnish band used an outside producer, bringing in Matt Hyde (Hatebreed, Monster Magnet). I spoke with vocalist/guitarist Alexi Laiho, who fills is in on the new album, their tour plans, breaking through in the U.S., trying to cut back on his partying and other subjects. Chad Bowar: Was your writing and recording process for Relentless Reckless Forever any different than usual?
Alexi Laiho: The songwriting process was pretty much the same as always. I think the only difference this time around was that we had a longer period of time to write the songs, which is a good thing. It was less stressful. We actually had a real producer this time around, to add something new and spice things up.
Was bringing in an outside producer (Matt Hyde) the band's idea?
It was management's idea, and we were reluctant at first to try it out. They kept going on and on about it, so we decided to do it just to shut them up. (laughs) His attitude was so good, the way he talks about music and how committed and determined he was to make, in his words, the best Children Of Bodom album ever. I really thought we were on the same page as far as making music. It was great working with him.
How would compare the sound of this one to your last couple releases?
It is a little different. Blooddrunk was more dark and super heavy. This one is really sharp and aggressive. It's hard to describe your own music, but I think this one has more old school Children Of Bodom going on, and an '80s hard rock riff thing going on as well. It's more melodic, that's for sure.
How did you decide on covering the Eddie Murphy song “Party All The Time”?
I think our bass player came up with the idea. For us it's getting harder and harder to come up with funny covers. We've done everything from Slayer to Britney Spears. It's hard to surprise and shock people now. The Eddie Murphy song was a good pick.
You came to the U.S. for the video shoot of “Was It Worth It,” which includes some pro skateboarders. Are you guys into that scene, or was it just something that was cool for a video?
I'm definitely into skateboarding, and most of us are. Skateboarders and any kind of extreme sports get along with our kind of music. We shot the video in the middle of a tour. We went to Pennsylvania where a skate park was. It was really cool to do. Usually video shoots are really boring, but this was actually fun.
What has the early response to the album been like?
The single “Was It Worth It” has been out for a while, and people really dug it. I was kind of surprised, because it's a little different than your normal COB song. We'll just have to wait and see.
Do you have specific expectations for albums, like sales numbers or chart positions?
It would be nice to outsell the last album, but I always try to expect nothing. We do what we've always done. The album comes out and we hit the road, play a bunch of shows and hope for the best. I try not to expect anything.
You toured the U.S. with Black Label Society last year. How did their audience react to you?
For the most part it was really good. There were some towns where the front row was full of bikers looking at us like, “Who the f—k are these guys?” I kind of like that. It's a challenge for us. And 99 point 9 percent of the time, those guys are into it by the end of the show.
You've done a lot of touring in the U.S. Do you think you've been successful growing your fan base here?
We are certainly tryng, and I think we have so far. We've been constantly touring since 2003. We have gone forward. It takes a long time, and is a little different in the U.S. You have to tour your ass off before you get recognized. There are so many bands there, so you have to be around all the time and do something that makes your band stick out.
It looks like you'll be in Europe for most of 2011.
We're going to do two months in Europe, and then Japan and some other Asian dates. Then we'll do a North American tour. That's all I know so far.
You were able to play live in China on the Blooddrunk tour. How was that?
It was pretty rad. It was definitely something different.
Did they know your songs?
Surprisingly enough, they did. None of our albums have been officially released there, but nowadays that's kind of unnecessary. People can find the pirated copies. I think our kind of music was banned in China up until a few years ago, as far as I know. More and more bands are going over there. The fans really appreciate getting a heavy metal show there. They get pretty crazy.
I imagine you sell a lot of merchandise in places like that, since it's not as easy to get as downloading music off the internet.
That's true. That's why merch becomes more and more important, not just in China, but all over the world.
How difficult is it to come up with a set list now that you have so many CDs to choose from?
It's been a pain in the ass, and even more so now that we have a new album out. It gets pretty difficult. We try to do at least one song from each album. We want to do at least four new songs, but it's important we do the old tracks as well.
When you listen to older COB material, are you able to enjoy it, or do you hear things you'd like to change or wish you had done differently?
When we come out with a new album and I listen to the one before, that's when I start bitching about it to myself, things I could have done differently, played better, etc. But the older stuff is ancient history, so I can actually listen to it every now and then and kind of enjoy it. I'm not constantly blasting old COB albums, but it's fun sometimes to listen to a song we did 10 years ago. It's like going into a time warp.
It seems like a popular topic of conversation during recent interviews is how you've tried to scale back on your well-known partying lifestyle.
It's something I personally needed to do. There's nothing to really talk about, I just needed to slow it down, take it easy for a while. It got a little crazy at some points and I was drinking way too much. I just have to cut back. I remember so many times I would go out drinking even if I didn't feel like it. I don't know why I did it. Now I 'm at the point where I say I've been there, done that. I don't need to go out there and do something really stupid just to prove a point. I can hang back and take it easy if I feel like it.
Did the drinking affect your on-stage performances?
No, it never got to that point. That is something I take dead seriously. I would never get wasted before a show. All of us are really professional when it comes to playing live. When you go onstage the adrenaline kicks in and you forget about everything.
^^I would actually appreciate RRF and Ugly, and I could also live with WIWI because the chorus might work quite well in a live show. But I doubt about NPT if he can't remember the lyrics without a damn piece of paper :lol: Guess they rather take Roundtrip cause it's kinda slower.
^They probably play one or two of the new songs only in one or two shows, like they did with One Day You Will Cry and Smilex last time. My guess would be they do that with Shovel
In Radio Rock when Alexi was introducing the new songs one by one he said that Roundtrip to Hell and Back will be in the setlist, probably forever.
^They probably play one or two of the new songs only in one or two shows, like they did with One Day You Will Cry and Smilex last time. My guess would be they do that with Shovel
They better play it when I'm there!!!!
And I think:
In Radio Rock when Alexi was introducing the new songs one by one he said that Roundtrip to Hell and Back will be in the setlist, probably forever.

Awesome!!! Was really hoping they would play that one live.

I would guess SKO, UGLY, and WIWI would be the other 3 they would play
“(Laughs) Yeah, well, I suppose at the end of the day we wanted to put the keys back in there just to keep them happy."

Well, the poll was something like 91% wanting to hear more keys, so he's not lying..

Interesting to hear they will probably play Roundtrip forever.. Well remains to be seen, we've heard promises from certain other songs too like T,L&S and PMIB, nothing quarantees it will have the desired live impact.. but very excited to have that live.. also they'll do SKO and maybe Ugly on this tour and then try out many of the other songs, but it's a given they'll be playing RtHaB and SKO.
I dunno about you guys, but I want to hear NMF! I feel like that would kick such ass live. SKO is pretty much guarenteed, and so is Roundtrip...WIWI seems like an obvious choice, but I feel like they might try to throw in PMS as well.
nothing quarantees it will have the desired live impact.. but very excited to have that live.
Well, if they try it out in the beginning of the tour and it doesn't work out they better swap it for other songs. I would hate it if it leads to the second half of the tout having a shorter setlist!
WIWI and SKO are a sure bet, since they're the album's singles for which a video was shot. RTHAB was confirmed by Alexi. Ugly was the second track disclosed from the album and still available for streaming on Facebook, so it's quite likely since the band will expect most people in the audience to recognize it - BUT it would genuinely catch me by surprise if NMF was not in the setlist. I was under the impression it was Alexi's favorite track, with his favorite solo among all he has ever written. It may as well turn out to be NMF, SKO, RTHAB, Ugly and WIWI - five songs off the new album, maybe just a couple off AYDY? and BD...
Interview with Janne

CHILDREN OF BODOM: Not all is sex, drugs and rock'n'roll
Skrivet av Isabella Qvist
2011-03-09 16:33

It is a particularly cold day in February when Janne Wirman of CHILDREN OF BODOM calls Bella Qvist of to talk about the band’s seventh studio album "Relentless Reckless Forever". It soon turns into a conversation about saunas, sexuality and snow.

I’m staring out of a frosty window when the sound of Dr Dre fills the air. Killing the noise by picking up my phone I soon find myself engrossed in conversation with CHILDREN OF BODOM keyboardist Janne. During the half an hour that we speak he tells me about the importance of sauna bathing during the making of the new album as well as his hatred for Facebook, his disappointment in Britney Spears and why his band would beat IN FLAMES in Finnkampen. All of this before responding to gay rumours and sending his fans a special message.

Janne is in work mode when he rings up, cheerful and professional. This is not the first phone interview he is doing this week.

The seventh studio album "Relentless Reckless Forever" released a week ago today marks a first for the band formed eighteen years ago; the group has for the first time ever worked with an outside producer on an album. American producer Matt Hyde helped COB created what Janne describes as their best album to date.

– It differs from a couple of the previous [albums] in the way that we brought back some of the melodic elements we had on our previous ones. There are more melodies yet it’s pretty aggressive and thrashy like the previous couple of albums.

Recording in the deep dark woods of Finland you had a bit of a face off with Mother Nature?
– Yeah, it’s freaky ‘cos in Finland we don’t have tornados or storms that big but it was crazy, the storm hit the studio and we lost power for three days and we were in the middle of nowhere. The trees cut down the power lines and the trees cut down the roads so we were stuck in the countryside in the middle of nowhere for a couple of days, Janne laughs.

Oh my God! What did you do?
– Well, you know, actually we had fun. We played the grand piano in candlelight and sang Britney Spears to ourselves and it was not that big of a problem you know.

The mood swiftly takes a serious turn when the topic is changed for the importance of sauna bathing during the production.

– Well, especially at this studio, they have a great sauna and there’s another one by the lake and when we were recording in the summer time so it was great. [Our] American producer hadn’t been in a Finnish wood burning sauna before and he absolutely loved it. Every morning he woke up, heated up the sauna and had a sauna and he would work in the studio the full studio day and then in the end of the night he would heat up the sauna again. Actually this time there was a lot of sauna action during sessions.

Maybe sauna bathing was an important ingredient to the album.
– I think so, yes.

The band has always created what can be classed as party music for metalheads and the choice of first single from the album written by frontman Alexi Laiho was no coincidence.

– I have always felt that COB’s music has been good for drinking. […]“Was It Worth It?” was chosen single because it has a very catchy chorus, you know, but it doesn’t represent the whole album much, Janne says before admitting that his two favourite songs are “Not My Funeral” and “Shovel Knockout”, together creating a powerful start to the album.

Holding true to COB tradition, sampled film quotes appear in between songs. This time not only movies are honoured in this way, the voice of sitcom star Dr. House (Hugh Laurie) is also featured.

– Actually we do watch it a lot on the tour bus, I guess we are fans of "The House".

“We played the grand piano in candlelight and sang Britney Spears to ourselves”

CHILDREN OF BODOM have their own way of dealing with Mother Nature

Before joining the band Janne completed classical music theory but he would never call himself the brain of the band.

– Musically Alexi is the brains of the band because he writes all of the music. He also has all of the basic music theory training, which makes it really easy for me to communicate with him. I mean everybody in the band has basic music theory and otherwise I would get really frustrated if we couldn’t talk about the music in the correct terms. But no, Alexi is definitely the musical brains because he writes all the music.

What is your role in the band?
– Well, you know, you mentioned the Brains and I’m Head Of The Company. I take care of the company, such as the band’s finances and everything so in that sense you could say I’m the Brains of the band, yeah.

How do you prepare for live shows, before you go on stage?
– There isn’t really anything speciaI. The other guys who play string instruments like guitars and bass warm up and they play their instruments backstage but I don’t. I usually don’t have a keyboard backstage, I just relax and maybe have one beer or whatever, that’s it.

You are known to be quite the party hard band. Do you think that comes from being in a band or were you guys always heavy drinkers?
– I think the whole bunch of us just happens to be, all of us like to party and drink and have fun and then the five us got together as a band and then there was a huge party. Although now we are over thirty we try to, I mean we’ve grown old so, Janne stops to think and laughs. We can’t party like we did ten years ago because that was just too much and crazy but, you know, we still party.

How does a Children of Bodom party go down?
– The usual party?

– Like an after show party?

Yeah, let’s go for an after show party.
– After a show we all take showers and chill for a bit and then we either hang around backstage and drink and stuff or we hit the tour bus and drink anyways, he laughs. I mean it’s nothing special, you know, on tour it’s funny because it’s the same thing every night.

1821_Children-Of-Bodom-2011_2The band are infamous for their Hate Crew rituals where a person is made to stand on their head whilst a band member pours alcohol into their mouth. If the liquid comes out of the nose of the person, they are initiated into the CHILDREN OF BODOM Hate Crew. The most recent member is Randy Blythe of LAMB OF GOD, or at least so Janne thinks.

– I can’t remember if anyone after him has [made it] so he might be the most recent. Then again, I might not always be present at these rituals so I don’t know, he laughs.

The band has been off for some time doing interviews back in Finland and so there have been no parties for a few months, the end of tour party in San Fransisco in November of last year being their most recent get-together. And whilst Janne sadly says he can’t remember any episodes from that or another party I get the feeling he might be sticking to the usual code of what happens on tour stays on tour.

CHILDREN OF BODOM used to have what Janne calls a ridiculous alcohol rider but now he says they only ask for what is needed for the tour bus and dressing rooms.

– You know, maybe just little snacks, some food and drinks, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages.

Surprising maybe for the keyboardist who used to be known for downing a bottle of Bacardi during one concert alone.

– I don’t drink Bacardi anymore, I’ve been trying to stick with vodka nowadays, he says.

Is COB all about sex, drugs and rock’n’roll?

– No, to be honest, no. It might have been something like that ten years ago but, like I said, all of us have grown up a little bit in the last couple of years and trying to keep things in moderation. We still party and we still have fun but we try to do things not too stupid all the time.

What’s the best thing about being a rock star?

– I guess the best thing, seriously, is that you get to do what you love to do. You get to tour around the world with your friends and you know, all that stuff, and then when you go home you don’t have to go to Mc Donalds and flip burgers. The best part is that you get to do what you love to do and you get a living out of it.

What is the most fake thing in the industry?
– Well, you know, there is a lot of faking going on in the music industry. I mean the whole music industry is kind of fucked right now, it’s pretty fake the whole thing. I hope somehow there would be a solution so that artists and record labels could still keep doing what they are doing so that it would be somewhat financially, you know, reasonable for everybody but I don’t know.

“I wouldn’t live here if I had a choice”

– Janne would swop Finland for California any given winter

We have endured a hard winter in Sweden and during this time of the year a lot of people feel down. Does the cold and dark affect a rock star?

– Yeah, I’m not much of a winter person myself anymore. I absolutely hate it, I hate the snow and the coldness and if I was rock star enough I wouldn’t live here during the winters, I would simply live here in the summers, it’s too fucking cold. I have a house and I have this driveway and [there was] so much snow this year, you have to like twice a day shovel the snow to be able to drive and get out of your house, he says.

Tell me about it, my shoulders are hurting!
– Yeah and now that it all of a sudden got so fucking cold, I mean I don’t mind when it’s like minus five, minus ten it’s just fine but now that it’s minus twenty it’s just too much, so I don’t like it. I hate it nowadays, I wouldn’t live here if I, I don’t know, had a choice.

Where would you go?
– I would probably spend my winters in California.

Nice choice.
– Mhm.

What’s your best cure against the darkness?
– I don’t know. Yeah the darkness is another thing. I don’t know, well I guess sometimes when you’re drinking with your friends it cheers you up a little bit, I don’t have any other cures for the darkness.

We change the subject for something that also can stir up a lot of emotion in Swedish as well as Finnish hearts – but that is a lot warmer. Each summer the Finnish-Swedish athletics competition Finnkampen (The Finn battle) or Suomi-Ruotsi-maaottelu (Finnish-Swedish international) sees the two neighbouring countries turn into worst enemies. After I’ve tried to pronounce the event name in Finnish, Janne corrects me and in a serious voice declares he knows what I am talking about.

If Finnkampen was a competition for metal music, who would you see as your number one competition in Sweden?
– Ah, funny! IN FLAMES, maybe.

And what would CHILDREN OF BODOM be better at? Drinking jäger shots, shredding the guitars, thrashing hotel rooms or picking up groupies?

Janne laughs.

– Most of those events. Shredding the guitars and drinking the jägers, well COB might be a bit better at the shredding, but I’m sure there are plenty of events where IN FLAMES would beat our asses. Like Texas Hold ‘Em, I know they play a lot of poker and they would definitely win over us in that.

CHILDREN OF BODOM are not only known for their metal music. In 2009 they famously did a cover of BRITNEY SPEARS’ “Oops, I did it again”, according to Janne “because it was fun.” Her new single, however, will not be a future project of theirs.

– No, I though the new song was kind of boring.

“A lot of people go on Facebook and they think that they are interacting with me and it’s so fucked up”

Facebook search Janne Wirman and you will find page upon page of profile posing as the famous Fin. One very realistic looking one claims to be a fan of Hanna Montana.

– I try to remove them. There are so many fake profiles of mine and my real profile is definitely not a fan of Hanna Montana, that much I can tell you, he says and it is clear he is pissed off at the very thought of these impostors. I mean the whole fucking Facebook, I mean, sometimes I remove sixteen Janne Wirman from it and then next month there’s ten more and they all pretend to be me. They fucking have some old school friends of mine as their friends and it fucking annoys the fuck out of me and you know, what can you do? But whoever is a fan of Hanna Montana, it’s not me.

Good, I’m happy to hear this. So, what do you listen to?
– Well, lately I try to listen to everything, I mean in the early days of the band I was strictly listening to heavy music for years but nowadays I do try to listen to everything. Like I just said I checked out the new Britney single and I thought it was boring compared to some of her old stuff because hey, she’s got some really good songs. Also I was very surprised by the new Lady Gaga song, the whole Madonna thing is just weird.

On the same Facebook profile, one that a lot of people believe belongs to the keyboardist of CHILDREN OF BODOM, it also says he is interested in both women and men. The real Janne laughs out loud at this fact.

– Oh Jesus! Yeah I’m interested in all kinds of people but that it’s funny that you say this because this just proves my point. A lot of people go on Facebook and they think that they are interacting with me and it’s so fucked up. I mean think about people having discussions and chatting and sending messages back and forwards and they think they are actually talking to me and it’s fucking so retarded.

He is not the first person to complain about fake profiles and personal information online, people encounter these very frustrating problems all the time, regardless of them being they famous or not. And with such very personal matters as sexuality, things easily get misunderstood. When I go in to ask whether it is hard for people to come out as gay in the metal scene, Janne is not interested in discussing the matter. Instead he makes sure to clear any rumours possibly started by him and Alexi messing around in interviews and videos online.

– To be honest I am fully straight, I am not... it’s a joke. I’ve joked about it a lot with Alexi, it is a joke but I’m fully straight.

With that settled we start discussing the future. Now that the album is out Janne hopes the band can start touring Europe with a full headline tour before going to Japan and probably Canada. In the summer he wants to do some festivals but the key thing is to tour Europe. Sounds pretty good.

Looking further into future, where is CHILDREN OF BODOM in ten years?
– I don’t know because if you would have asked me ten years ago around the time of our second album whether we would still exist ten years from now I would probably have said no. But ten years from now, it’s really hard to imagine. I’m having fun and I wouldn’t mind still being around and playing in a metal band.

And if CHILDREN OF BODOM continue this way, playing brilliant metal party music whilst turning down their own partying a notch, then this is looking more than likely.

Before hanging up to continue with his next interview, Janne has a final message for his fans:

– We are really, really pleased with the album and we hope you check it out and come to the shows. Right after the release we are going to tour Europe so check out the album and come to the shows.

As I put the phone down the winter outside my window somehow doesn’t seem that dark anymore.