COB Interviews

The bad thing about all these reviewers is they don't know COB too well so they think what should I ask them and they google out all the recent reviews and ask the same questions. Why not try to ask some more electric questions about the music. PS Jaska is like a hungover Jesus.


"If you're playing fast but you can't play clearly, please exit the music business."


Haha, you can tell he liked that questions about what scale he likes to compose in. XD I love when people ask intelligent questions! Thanks, Sleeper, this one was pretty good.
Awsome interview by : subba-cultcha

Subba-Cultcha: How are you feeling tonight?
Jaska Raatikainen: Better! I have been ill for a while now and I’m finally feeling better today.

SC: How did the recording for Relentless Reckless Forever go?
JR: It was very smooth and easy. We were very well prepared this time. We did a lot of pre-production this time. Normally, I feel a bit of pressure when I record drums as nothing can be recorded before I get my part done but this time, I felt relaxed and everything went well.

SC: Did you use any new gear or ways of working?
JR: Not really. The producer used a few new mic techniques to record and we also recorded the backing vocals in Vancouver but that’s about it.

SC: What did you listen to while working on the album, if anything?
JR: Not much really. I’m sure we are all influenced by different music but I can’t think of anything in particular.

SC: Do you still find time to go to gigs and see your favourite bands?
JR: I normally do but I became a father a year ago so now I tend to stay home more and take care of my daughter so I haven’t been to as many gigs as I used to.

SC: For all the metal bands struggling out there, when did you feel like you had made it and stopped worrying about paying the bills…how long did it take?
JR: We were lucky to start early, when we were still very young and I still lived with my parents so for a while we did not have to worry about money too much. I think that from when the first album came out, it took some 5 years or so to be able to live off this and not have to worry anymore.

SC: What’s your favourite song to play live at the moment? And why?
JR: Not My Funeral. It’s the opening song on the album and also the first one we play on this live set. I like the rhythmic parts in it and the whole groove it gives out.

SC: Who would be your favourite UK band?
JR: Hm...the Beatles?

SC: If we go to Finland, what would be the most important word to learn?
Kiitos. It means “thank you”

SC: You’re touring Japan soon, have you been there before and what did you think of it?
JR: Japan has got a beautiful culture and a lot of traditions. As a band, Japan is great, everything is scheduled perfectly. You know…at 10:00 meet at lobby, 10:01 leave hotel, 10:02 get in the bus! Haha, everything is just so well organised.

SC: Did you try to play Was It Worth It on Guitar Hero yet?
JR: I haven’t yet, no.

SC: Fans seems to feel that you have found a new enthusiasm in your live shows, perhaps because of the new songs - do you feel that?
JR: This is actually not the first time I hear this. I think we are all very happy to headline again. Also, Alexi drinks less booze! Personally, I’m happier since I have become a father. I think we are all happier at the moment.

SC: What do you all do prior to going on live?
JR: I practise with my drum practise kit and we also have an entertainment box with lots of games for PS 3 and things like that. It’s great to play fast cars races games before going on stage. Gives you energy!

SC: Did Alexi do anything special on his birthday?
JR: Hm, I don’t think so. I went to bed! I hope he didn’t get drunk!

SC: What annoys you most in the world?
JR: People who feel helpless. Also people who have prejudiced attitude towards others.

SC: Do you consider yourself to be happy?
JR: Yes I do!

SC: What are the best, and worst parts of living the life of a professional musician?
JR: The bad part is that you never know what tomorrow will bring. Everything could stop in an instant, it’s very fragile. Someone could leave suddenly and the band could die. The good thing is that everyday is different, you see different places, meet a lot of people, it’s never the same 8-4 job at the office. You can also spend long periods of time with your family between tours, and not just have a weekend off like in a normal job.

SC: Is there something you have always longed to do or achieve in your whole life, but still didn't managed to?
JR: Yes I do. I have been wanting to write a book for 10 years or so. Fiction. I have a lot of ideas in my head and I put some of them down already but they are just snippets, not an actual story yet. I find it very hard to focus on this while touring and when I go home I spend time with my family and friends so for now I don’t really have the time to concentrate on it.

SC: What would be your ideal first dance at a wedding?
I would probably go for something very traditional like a classical waltz maybe.

SC: And the last song at a funeral?
Hm, that’s really difficult! Maybe some classical music by Sibelius, a Finnish composer.

Thank you to Lucy Freeman and Adam Sagir @ The Noise Cartel for organising the interview and photo pass

Relentless Reckless Forever came out on Spinefarm Records on March 8th
Find it interesting that Alexi's favorite riff is from PMS, yet I don't think they play that song live...or haven't yet. Wonder why?
OMFG some of my questions! Stella dear, thank you so much for giving us this opportunity, glad you know the right people :p Whooo that made my day. Feeling like a 15yo fangirl right now :lol:
Yea, I think I saw a few of my questions as well. Awesome.

In a way I now feel like I have vicariously interviewed Jaska.

Here's a funny short interview with Jaska from Austria:

Im Zuge ihrer Show in Wien hatte die Gelegenheit, sich mit Jaska von Children of Bodom zu unterhalten. Ein nettes Gespräch über ein Bier mit dem Teufel, nackte Bandmitglieder und Religion lest ihr hier bei uns.

Wie fühlt es sich an wieder auf Tour zu sein?

Die Tour verläuft bestens bis jetzt. Wir haben in vielen ausverkauften Locations gespielt. Es macht Spaß, wieder auf der Bühne zu stehen, vor allem in Europa.

Freust du dich, die neuen Songs live zu spielen?

Ja, auf jeden Fall. Wir haben jetzt vier neue Lieder im Set. Es macht Spaß, das neue Album zu spielen, die Alten aber genauso.

Seid ihr noch immer zufrieden mit dem neuen Material? Ihr habt es ja mittlerweile schon einige Male live gespielt.

Ja, die Songs funktionieren live sehr gut! Die Leute gehen dazu ab, obwohl sie die Nummern noch nicht so gut kennen. Außerdem langweilen sie mich noch nicht. (lacht)

Das ist ein gutes Zeichen. Jetzt haben wir ein kleines aber feines Tracklist Interview vorbereitet.

Not My Funeral
- Ist ja nur einer von vielen Songs über den Tod. Was passiert deiner Meinung nach, wenn wir sterben?
Eigentlich kann ich dazu schwer etwas sagen. Ich bin mir selber nicht ganz sicher. An manchen Tagen denke ich, dass es etwas wie ein Leben nach dem Tod gibt. An anderen Tagen glaube ich an nichts.

Shovel Knockout - Welche Menschen gehen dir am meisten auf die Nerven?
Kleinkarierte und engstirnige Menschen. Die machen mich wirklich sauer.

Roundtrip To Hell And Back
- Wenn du die Möglichkeit hättest, ein Bier mit dem Teufel zu trinken, was würdest du ihn fragen?
Lustige Fragen habt ihr da. (lacht) Wahrscheinlich würde ich ihn fragen, ob ich in die Hölle komme.

Relentless, Reckless Forever
- Wir haben ein Interview mit Alexi (Sänger von COB Anm. d. R.) gelesen, in dem er gesagt hat, dass er sich mittlerweile zurücklehnen kann und alles gemütlicher angehen kann. Wie lässt sich das mit dem Titel vereinbaren?
Es ist unser siebtes Album und wir sind seit 15 Jahren unterwegs. Es fühlte sich beim Schreiben der Songs einfach so an, dass wir immer noch den Leuten zeigen können, dass wir voller Energie sind. Obwohl wir über 30 sind, fühlen wir uns noch immer wie Teenager.

Ugly - Was ist CHILDREN OF BODOMs schlechteste Eigenschaft?
Wir haben da diese Regel. Wenn es nur eine Dusche gibt, darf derjenige als erstes rein, der als erster nackt ist. (lacht) Manchmal gibt es Backstage keine Dusche und wir müssen im Hotel duschen. Da kann es schon passieren, dass wir schon im Lift oder Flur nackt sind. (lacht)

Cry Of The Nihilist
- Eine Textzeile lautet "you claim that you don't believe in nothing, goddamn that must be exhausting". Bist du dann eigentlich religiös?
Wir sind große Fans von The Big Lebowski. Daher kommt die Zeile eigentlich. Aber zurück zur Frage. Ich bin schon in einer gewissen Form gläubig, brauche aber keine Religion dazu, die mir sagt was ich glauben soll.

Was It Worth It? - Wenn du auf eure Karriere zurückblickst, gibt es da irgendetwas, das du anders gemacht hättest?
Wir haben bestimmt nicht alles richtig gemacht. Aber ich glaub nicht, dass es große Fehler waren. Wir haben es soweit gebracht, da glaube ich, dass wir nichts großartig falsch gemacht haben können.

Northpole Throwdown
- Wie wichtig sind der Metal Band CHILDREN OF BODOM Dinge wie Umweltschutz?
Ich mache mir schon Gedanken darüber. Es ist Paradox, denn auf der anderen Seite fliegen wir viel herum. Ich stell mir auch die Frage, ob es überhaupt möglich ist, etwas dagegen zu tun.

Party All The Time
- Ist ja nicht euer einziges Cover. Da stellen wir uns die Frage: Welchen Song in der Musikgeschichte hättest du gerne geschrieben.
EUROPEs Final Countdown. Ich bin zwar kein EUROPE Fan, aber der Song ist wirklich gut.

Die letzten Worte gehören dir!

(see audio player at website)

Vielen Dank und viel Spaß bei der Show!


Translation (not checked for typos or style or anything):

During their Vienna show had the opportunity to interview Jaska from Children Of Bodom. Read our nice talk about beer with the devil, naked band members and religion.

How does it feel being on tour again?

The tour is going very well till now. Many of the venues we played were sold out. It&#8217;s fun to be on stage again, especially in Europe.

Do you enjoy playing the new songs live?

Yes, definitely. We put four new songs on the setlist. It&#8217;s fun to play the new album as well as to play the old ones.

Are you still satisfied with the new material? You have played it a number of times already.

Yes, the songs work very well live! People geek out on the new songs although they don&#8217;t know them that well yet. And they don&#8217;t bore me yet (laughing).

That&#8217;s a good sign. But now let&#8217;s come to a nice tracklist interview:
Not My Funeral &#8211;one of many songs about death. What would you say will happen to us when we die?

I can hardly say something about that, I&#8217;m not sure myself. Some days I think there must be some kind of life after death. On other days I believe in nothing.

Shovel Knockout &#8211; what kind of people annoy you most?

Narrow- or close-minded people. They really make me mad.

Roundtrip To Hell And Back &#8211; if you had the opportunity to have a beer with the devil, what would you ask him?

Funny questions you have there (laughing). I&#8217;d probably ask him if I&#8217;m gonna go to hell.

Relentless, Reckless Forever &#8211; we read an interview with Alexi where he stated that he can settle back and approach things more unhurried by now. How does that match with the title track?

It&#8217;s our 7th album and we&#8217;re in the business for 15 years now. Writing the songs felt like we still are able to show people that we&#8217;re full of energy. Although we&#8217;re older than 30 we still feel like teenagers.

Ugly &#8211; what&#8217;s Children Of Bodom&#8217;s worst feature?

Well we have this law: If there&#8217;s only one shower, the one who got naked first may be the first to take a shower (laughing). Sometimes there&#8217;s no shower backstage and we have to take a shower at the hotel room, then it&#8217;s possible that we&#8217;re already naked in the elevator or in the hall (laughing).

Cry Of The Nihilist &#8211; there&#8217;s one part in the lyrics &#8220;you claim that you don&#8217;t believe in nothing, goddamn that must be exhausting&#8221;. Are you kind of religious?

We&#8217;re big fans of the movie The Big Lebowski, that&#8217;s where those words are from, but back to your question: I think I&#8217;m kind of believing, but I&#8217;m not in need of a religion telling me what to believe.

Was It Worth It? &#8211; looking back on your career, is there anything you&#8217;d like to have done in another way?

We certainly didn&#8217;t make everything right, but I don&#8217;t think we made really hard mistakes. We have come so far, I don&#8217;t think we have made that big of a mistake.

Northpole Throwdown - how important is the protection of environment to the metal band Children Of Bodom?

I do bother about that. It&#8217;s kind of paradox cause on the other hand, we&#8217;re flying around a lot. I wonder if it&#8217;s possible to do something against pollution at all.

Party All The Time &#8211; isn&#8217;t the only cover song you&#8217;ve done. We&#8217;re wondering which song in history you&#8217;d like to have written?

Europe&#8217;s Final Countdown. I&#8217;m not a fan of Europe, but the song&#8217;s really great.

Last words are yours!

( -> see audio player on the site )

Thank you and have fun during the show!
danke, mocobhc =) !

seems like Jaska gives more interviews nowadays- can`t remember to read so many interviews with him :)