COB Interviews

Alexi Laiho Talking About His Life Hobbies Music Band Live Tour Passion & Guitars Children Of Bodom
*don't know if it's post before

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I think he means to say he hasn't felt that good about an album since HCDR, and that was 8 years ago, not 4 - what's going on? He didn't feel good after AYDY. Then with Blooddrunk he said it's much better than AYDY - now it's suddenly not? By 4 years ago AYDY comes closest as he can't say "I haven't felt this good about an album since our last album"... I promise when they make a next album it's "much better than RRF."

And what's with this "there's no filler tracks this time"? When Blooddrunk was being recorded they said they're very happy with every song. Either they're pulling our leg, or their mind simply changes about the albums as time goes on. Truth is they didn't feel every song on RRF to be very strong. And there's not a single COB track that isn't someone's favourite, so technically it's a matter of opinion, but if we're honest "hard work" can't really compensate for bad compositions. In my personal view there's a lot of filler material in RRF: Roundtrip chorus, RRF verses, Ugly pre-chorus, Nihilist all vocal parts, WIWI all except chorus, NPTD all except melody. I even find most of the solos suffering on this album because they lack melody and an interesting background, except for the likes of SKO which they treated with more care than most of the other songs. For me the stand-out solos of this album are NMF guitar solo, SKO both, Roundtrip keyboard solo, Ugly guitar solo. I think the solos should feel a little more incorporated into the songs themselves. They're still good shredding but are they memorable?

They can make a better album than RRF and probably will, but most of it is down to personal taste. Inearthed - Shining was in my opinion already better than most of their new material, and they were 15. But we need Alexi to get really inspired and not compose as if it was WORK. It must be a work of PASSION. Alexi's too stressed, they should keep time out of touring to gather the inspiration, but on the other hand the pressure is smaller cos they're already famous because of Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper and Hatecrew Deathroll mainly.

I really hope they try something interesting and different with their next album, and not waste their potential with the thrash riffing. Don't write a single note that doesn't come from the heart. I just re-read this post and it seems more negative than I intended, but the point is this is the only band capable of making the perfect music for my taste so I don't want it to suffer because they're too tight on tour schedules and the songwriter is stressed out when the time comes to make another album. Alexi should maybe spend time with the green and blue album and get back in the mood, find the nostalgy and write a natural continuation with the same style but with the experience he's gained.

The person who wrote the script for that opening part needs to be shot. Most cliché thing ever.

It raised my hairs up too.
Hey! 19.04.11 COB came to Bulgaria and there are a few interviews about that- some metal magazines, some bg web pages.... so do you guys want me to translate some of them (if I find some extra time ALL of them) in English?

I would appreciate that :) that would be great, if you could do this- if find the time..
I can only find 2 interviews and some other info about the concert so this is the first
COB are one of those bands which took the world with patience, constancy and cool playing. When they first grabbed the guitars in 1993 these boys from the finnish town Espoo did not believed that after some years they'll be as good as their idols and even better. Today, with 7 successful albums behind them, concerts all around the planet, millions of fans, Children of Bodom are one of the biggest extreme metal bands today. We spoke with the bass player Henkka about the new album RRF and the show in Sofia
Mitko Nikolov: Hey, Henkka! Your first concert here is on 19.04. What have you heard about Bulgaria?
Henkka: I was in "Zlatni Pyasatsi"(Golden Sands), but I'm sure that the real Bulgara and Sofia are way more different. To be honest, I can't wait to come here!
Mitko Nikolov: The last big concert in Sofia was Sofia Rocks powered by Sonisphere Festival with Metallica, Anthrax, Slayer and Megadeth. Can you say 4 words about these great bands in the BIG 4?
Henkka: Metallica- the biggest metal band today; Slayer- the biggest extreme metal band; Megadeth- I started playing the guitar because of Dave; Anthrax- Anthtax are super cool!
Mitko Nikolov: Can a band continue existing after the lost of a founding member, like Slipknot and Paul Grey (RIP)?
Henkka: It depends on the relationship in the band and who writes the songs. If somebody is a founding member and does nothing else, maybe they can go without him.
Mitko Nikolov: 17 years is a long time. Do you still get questions like "What's the story behind lake Bodom"?
Henkka:No. Thank God it's over.
Mitko Nikolov: Is it true that finnish people play that good because they have nothing else to do when the weather is bad?
Henkka: No... I don't know. I don't think that we (the finns) play better than the others.
Mitko Nikolov: Your new 7th album comes out at 8.03. Can you give me your own review about RRF?
Henkka: Well, we recorded it at the summer of 2010 in Petrax Studios with Matt Hyde. It sounds super cool and fresh, but ti has this oldschool feeling in it. Some old Bodom note, which we missed. Probably, it's mostly about the melodies. The album RRF is fast, slow in some places, melodic, trash... all this in the same time. 9 songs without "Bodom" in the title. There is one kinda slow song and 2 a little bit faster...
Mitko Nikolov: In the "Was it worth it" video we see some really good skating. Do you guys do some adventure stuff with the gravitation like this?
Henkka: Oh, yes! Ski, snowboard and now surf! I don't ride a skateboard. Alexi was a big skater before he started his career as a musician. But, you know, guitar and skateboard are not a good combination.
Mitko Nikolov: Are you still Children of Bodom or more like Adults of Bodom?
Henkka:Of course we are children! In our heads we are some kids about 12- 19 years maximum.

that was it! Look, guys, I just got an e-mail and I's starting english courses about one certificate in friday so I won't be able to do all the interviews. I'm so so sorry :( I will do the magazine one tomorrow cuz I love it, but for now that's it. Again I'm apologizing, but now the certificate is very important to me. However, enjoy the interview and tomorrow you'll see the other one. Just wanted to ask you if you want me to translate the things written about wildchild industries and the side projects. And the interview is with Henkka and Roope, but like the reporter said "We can't have a Bodom interview without Allu" so he wrote some funny things he used to say. Do you want me to translate them, too or you already know them?
Thank you very much, Netti for the translation!!

And the interview is with Henkka and Roope, but like the reporter said "We can't have a Bodom interview without Allu" so he wrote some funny things he used to say. Do you want me to translate them, too or you already know them?

If you have the time, I would like to hear that.