COB Interviews

Oh, yep. Something happened to them, too. They were DIVINE! Now they are just a badass metal band. THIS song equals Heaven to me! And just listen at the lyrics of that one:

Good times, good times. Bands change- sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. We cannot do anything, but..

However, enough off- topic. Nice interview, random-x! Every single time I read Alexi saying, that he doesn't want to discuss about that Oslo action I am like "WTF!!!" XD Of course, he has the rights to keep silent..

And AGAIN we have the Bodom- name question :lol:

yes you're right...Alexi is possibly escaping something! the why and what of it is a mystery to me.

by the way it's always possible to find real good stuff in underground

like this band...different from Graveworm but same level of awesomeness. this song IS real SICK!

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^ Wine from Tears sounds good, but I've desperately tried to search their song that is displayed here 0:00 - 0:40, I went through their album and I can't tell what song it is. I love atmospheric doom metal as much as melodic death metal, it's just that the first mentioned is usually more eloquent and mature than the second which has a lot of retarded material out there.

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That stuff is fucking amazing... The uploader told me the song name is My Dreams so I didn't find it. It's the second-to-last track on their only album. Nothing more epic than heavy doom riffing with an emotional guitar lead thrown into the mix.
I also recommend ATOMA a Swedish band with Iranian Singer and guitarist.

I adore this song. and the interesting thing about the lyrics of this song is that the parts in Persian were told to singer by an Iranian girl who was only 5-6!!!

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I also recommend ATOMA a Swedish band with Iranian Singer and guitarist.

I adore this song. and the interesting thing about the lyrics of this song is that the parts in Persian were told to singer by an Iranian girl who was only 5-6!!!

Awesome! Please, keep sharing more and more amazing music!!!!!! I personally fell in love with this one the moment I heard it.

Tabar be sar [An axe to the head]
Mirim shnab [we walk to the night]
Korshid ra biar pain [to bring down the sun]

A 5 year old girl says this?? A surprise for me..

Oh, btw, if it's not a problem for you, can you write "Tabar be sar mirim shnab korshid ra biar pain" in Persian, you know, with those symbols you got there? Honestly, I don't trust the Internet when it comes to this..
Awesome! Please, keep sharing more and more amazing music!!!!!! I personally fell in love with this one the moment I heard it.

Tabar be sar [An axe to the head]
Mirim shnab [we walk to the night]
Korshid ra biar pain [to bring down the sun]

A 5 year old girl says this?? A surprise for me..

Oh, btw, if it's not a problem for you, can you write "Tabar be sar mirim shnab korshid ra biar pain" in Persian, you know, with those symbols you got there? Honestly, I don't trust the Internet when it comes to this..

I'm glad you like it mate ;)

sure I will share some more good stuff if you like my taste in music :)

an Iranian 5 year old girl said that part. the singer asked her about her idea about the end of the world and these were the lines she gave.

that same part in Persian would be like this:

تبر به سر
ميريم شب
خورشيدو بيار پايين...پايين

ميريم=We go

hope it was helpful
There's another interview with Alexi about cars in a finnish Teknari e-magazine. It's in finnish but I'm putting it in here if someone want's to see the vid and pics. :)

Thank you!

Alexi gives interviews little odd information when it comes to cars.
In this old interview he said that his first car was 320 bmw. But in (-97/-98) interview his first car was Honda Civic.

And in that Teknari he said that first american car was Pontiac Firebird but in older interview he has a Buick before that car.
Thank you!

Alexi gives interviews little odd information when it comes to cars.
In this old interview he said that his first car was 320 bmw. But in (-97/-98) interview his first car was Honda Civic.

And in that Teknari he said that first american car was Pontiac Firebird but in older interview he has a Buick before that car.

If I remember correctly the Honda Civic was his moms car, don't know if she gave it to him though.
I seem to remember reading in some old interview that the BMW was originally his dad's car

Haven't heard that one but in one interview he said that his Dad had/have BMW.

One interview he was asked what was first album he have bought. At 1997 he said some finnish band and couple years later the answer was WASPs' first album.