COB Interviews

Not really an interview, but Alexi and Henkka on Scuzz tv - Children Of Bodom Takeover, tonight @ midnight 'til 1am; repeated on Sat 10pm 'til 11pm.
All the mags just write about how Alexi's body didn't enjoy being poisoned all the time with alcohol. Just let that be in the past and focus on the art.
It says TA/CO, as in taco, the mexican dish.

Interview with Alexi Laiho of Children of Bodom

The new album has been received very well both by fans and the media. “The feedback has been better than with our previous albums. Let’s see how things progress once we get to play the new material live” says Laiho. The album fulfills the bands expectations and even after some time has passed since the recording the group haven’t found anything they would do differently about it.

Children of Bodom and especially Laiho haven’t made any changes in the process for making the music. “I start writing the songs alone at home and then I take the riffs to the rehearsal studio. Then we start playing with the guys and eventually the songs take the form that you hear on the album.” Alexi writes the lyrics only after the music is pretty much ready. Laiho doesn’t want to set any expectations on the music stylistically before he starts writing. His approach is to let the music come through him rather than aiming for certain feeling or sound. “When I start writing I try to block everything else out of my mind and let the music come straight from the heart. It has to be genuine. That’s the only way for me to make music.” Laiho doesn’t take it too hard even when someone criticizes his music and doesn’t want to let that influence the music he writes going forward. “I knew when I started in this business that you can’t please everyone. I don’t take it personally when someone doesn’t like some of my material. It’s part of the game.”

Children of Bodom has been waiting to get back on the road after making the album. They have played few festival gigs in Europe and especially in Finland. “We haven’t really been on hiatus, but because of the album we haven’t had time to tour. It’s been really nice to get back in front of the audience. That’s really what we want to do eventually.” The guys have been playing mostly old material on the gigs and they want to give the audience some time to get to know the new material before adding too much of it to the setlist. “Creating setlists get’s harder with each album you make. The audience want’s to hear their old favorites but you want to introduce new material also. After eight albums it get’s really hard.” It’s great to play even older material again and again when you see the crows really get into the music. “It never get’s old to see the crowd go nuts over your music. It makes you feel that you are doing things right”

Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem tour is the first festival tour in the US for Children of Bodom. The format is very unique to US as in Europe the big festivals never travel from location to another but rather bands sign up for multiple festivals with various lineups rather than playing with the same bands from evening to other. “It’s only our second day on the tour so I can’t say how different this is to let’s say ‘normal’ tours. It’s bound to be different to play with the same bands evening after evening. I believe this is going to be a great tour and I’m looking forward to it. I would love to be able to check out Rob Zombie show one day and this format gives me more opportunities to do it.” Logistically the tour is similar to your own tours. The bands travel overnight in tour busses and wake up in new location where the stages are already set up.

The next year is going to be filled with touring for Children of Bodom. First this tour and then more festivals in Europe. Laiho doesn’t want to make far reaching plans for himself. “I don’t know what I’m going to be doing in five years. It’s similar than making music for me. You shouldn’t plan too much, but let things flow.” The biggest goal for the band is to make the next album when the time is right. Otherwise the goal is to make music and continue enjoying it. “The best thing in life is to be able to do what you love. For us it’s playing live and making music. We don’t have any loftier goals than that.”

By Mark Gromen

"That's a great question," says CHILDREN OF BODOM founder/guitarist/singer Alexi Laiho, when asked the whereabouts of 'Cruel Summer', the BANANARAMA cover which features a guest appearance by ANNIHILATOR founder/guitarist Jeff Waters. "I have to find out. It hasn't been released yet. Originally he was supposed to play on one of the tracks on the actual album, but schedule-wise, it didn't happen. That (bonus track) was one of the last things we recorded." The Finns have made a career of offering odd/atypically non-metallic cover tunes. This time around, that also includes ROXETTE's 'Sleeping In My Car'. Although he's the acknowledged ringleader, Laiho denies he's the only one capable of making a suggestion. "It's all of us," he contends. "A lot of them HAVE been my ideas, but if someone comes up with an idea, if it's cool. we'll do it. Sometimes we have to pick something real quick. I don't remember who came up with the Roxette idea, but we thought it would be funny. If you have to pick a cover, it's better to drink like ten beers, then the ideas start coming!"

It's 1:30pm, the daily interval on the Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival when the COB members invade the press area, to answer a handful of questions. Despite their status an international headliners, they're on the undercard here and it's surprising how few "industry outlets" are interested in speaking to them (enamored instead with those closer to the top of the bill) and the few who do, have only an introductory level of understanding about Bodom. As a result, the conversations are finished in mere minutes. Before heading backstage, keyboardist Janne Wirman walks over to briefly interrupt his bandmate and say hello to BW&BK, his interview already completed.

Laiho and I continue, talking about the differences between major European festivals (like Wacken, where last year they played to 60,000+, in the pouring rain) and the small stage at Mayhem Fest. It must take some mental adjustment. "This is a cool opportunity for us," he says, mouthing all the politically correct sentiments. "We can't think about how many more people we had at Wacken. It's different. The album (Halo Of Blood) just came out and we needed to tour over here, so this gave us the opportunity to play in front of a hell of a lot of people." Half-jokingly, he continues, "One of the disadvantages is you have to walk two miles to take a shower. We mix it up here and there. At Mayhem, we only get to play 30 some minutes, which is seven songs or so." Would be easy to get discouraged, but with less than two weeks remaining, Laiho is in good spirits.

Do the bands bond, in a sense of similar camaraderie, or does everyone more or less keep to themselves? "There are bands we know, like MASTODON and JOB FOR A COWBOY, even though they have a whole new line-up now. AMON AMARTH...bands we've toured with in the past, so we hang out. MASTODON and AMON AMARTH play the main stage which is so fucking far away, a lot of walking. Sometimes the bus pulls out early, but we hang out." The day before, the tour had a free date, somewhere in Kentucky. I ask whether the bands got together, or whether the Finns just kept to themselves. "I was just lying down in the hotel, watching TV," says Laiho matter-of-factly. "That's what I try to do on the days off. Try to get some rest and not drink." (lifts bottle of water)

The band's website ( contains a partial track-by-track video explanation of Halo Of Blood, although the closing 'One Bottle And A Knee Deep', a personal favorite, was left out. "It's a real cool ending song and was actually the last song I came up with. It's pretty catchy. Lyrics-wise it's another Lake Bodom related. It's a horror story about a guy who goes out to Lake Bodom, gets fucked up and then shit starts to happen." With a little more than a half hour onstage in North America, only the title track is included in the set. However, this Fall, they'll be headlining an extensive European tour. How do they know which new tunes are battle-tested, those that will work in the live arena? "We did some European festivals, where we did 'Halo Of Blood' and 'Transference', so we know those two work. We'll probably pick one more, although I don't know which one yet. The only way to find out is just do it. The album just came out, so (over here) it's better to do the old ones, the one's people want to hear, especially when it's only 35 minutes. When he headline (in Europe), we'll do three new songs and a bunch of the old shit. We have eight studio albums now, so it's difficult to make a set list." I suggest 'The Days Are Numbered' as a possible future inclusion, to which Alexi said, "Thank you. That's one of my favorites."

Hopefully 2014 will bring Children Of Bodom back, for a full set, where we'll get to hear a larger cross-section of the new album live, as well as more old friends.
They have to include All Twisted and some fourth new song, whether it be Scream for Silence or some other. I suggest these two as addition. They were talking about playing Dead Man's Hand, but honestly the chorus isn't good enough; I love some elements in the song, but it just doesn't cut its way to the diamonds list, just like Roundtrip was great in a couple areas but lacking in chorus etc. Any song bails out of the setlist easy now, because there's just too many good songs, even on the new album. All Twisted has the great chorus, makes me go goosebumps. Bodom Blue Moon deserves a live shot at least. The best tracks on this album are Halo of Blood and Transference, then there's many good candidates for live display even if there's already no room on the setlist.