COB Interviews

I don't know for the re-recording. Or maybe only the guitars. Because Alexi surely isn't capable of doing such vocals now. And his current vocals would ruin that masterpiece. Also, I don't know much about remastering, if you guys know could you tell me: Can it really improve the quality without re-recording ?
Russian website interviewed with Henkka on Tuska Open Air. There are a couple of interesting points.

Are you planning to release a new DVD any time soon, perhaps to honor the anniversary date? Are you going to celebrate it?

We’re planning on something, but we don’t know yet. But, hopefully, next year there’s gonna something special for the celebration.

We know that a horror movie entitled “Bodom” is going to be released in Finland this summer. Did anyone approach you with an offer to do a soundtrack or even to play a small part in it?

Yes, I know the guys who made the movie so first we talked about soundtrack which was impossible because of the schedules… because if any of us would do a soundtrack that had to be done at the same time we did our music. Then we talked about the music video within the filming but then it didn’t work either. We talked about if we could do a small cameo role but schedules just didn’t happen. The movie was made so fast that our schedules were already booked and unfortunately with no part in it but we’re looking forward to it. They are good guys who do the film.

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This was more interesting to me:

It’s been a while since the new album was released. Has your perception of it changed in any way since then? Does it sound different now?

Of course when it’s done it’s very exciting and we love it for a while and then you get used to it. We play only couple of songs live and we kind of forget the others so we should always get back to it and remember it because you easily forget the other songs and it’s kind of shame because there is more good songs than we play live.

Hmmm, so it almost looks like Henkka can't vote which songs are going to be played in his own band xD and it looks like maybe he doesn't care that much, either.

Oh yes, they’re very good! Anyway, are there any future plans that you can share with us yet?
Well, our near future plan is doing these summer festivals and some shows in Japan in October. We also plan to do a tour in the US this year. And next year it’s going to be our 20th anniversary of the first album. We’re planning to do some sort of a European tour to celebrate this… euhm… achievement or whatever you want to call it. So yes, we were thinking to maybe… one idea was to play the whole album through, from the first track to the end. But I don’t know if we still can do it… (laughs) But something like that…
So depressing to read these were the thoughts back in the day... before the real breakthru. This is from December 2000.

"Right now, the 3rd album "Follow The Reaper" sells better than ever so now we ain't got any reason to stop but I think that if we're gonna do a 4th album I think that's probably gonna be the last album we're gonna do. And after that there is one thing in which... I like these guys, I mean they're the best friends, probably the only friends I ever got and it's like really good chemistry going on and it's better that when we're still something and when we sense it's going down: just stop so we're gonna have good memories of the whole thing, you know. And then just going on and put another band together, you know, probably I'm not gonna sing any more, you know, I'll start the whole thing all over again."
Once again they say they've had better reviews from fans from the new album. Never heard a band mock their fresh album. I'm surprised to hear I Worship Chaos has been taken more positively than anything since AYDY, since it seems the fans have completely disappeared now from this forum and youtube...! So album sales are better than before...? Or tours have pulled more people than before...? And wow that about being active with social media... my ass. How many posts have the band cared to do within the last year, zero? Get real. At least they read this stuff cos Children of Decadence got to the setlist in full version. Of course when there's nothing to say it's pointless to say anything, like pretending to "love the fans of this particular country more than any other" in every show. Just get your ass to the fucking show or die by the Reaper's hand, would be as good. All true fans really care about is how good the new music is. Let them focus on the new music and form the passion for it cos that's the best way they can love their fans. Sure we'd like to see the guys playing around in studio and getting interviewed deep and maybe show some playing on their instruments, but that's just extra.

And about that anniversary thing, guys let's not get too crazy, it's enough if you exclusively add The Nail and Hatebreeder and include Warheart to the set, together with the regular songs played from those albums. Red Light part 1 can be considered, too. But it's enough to practice two songs (The Nail and Hatebreeder). I would hope Bodom start shifting focus on the next album and make it extremely exciting. There's no point in playing worse songs like In the Shadows, Red Light part 2 and Touch Like... when there's good songs like The Nail and Hatebreeder waiting to be resurrected.
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Regarding forums, I get the impression that young people don't do forums. Something tells me that writing sentences isn't their thing. So I wouldn't blame low forum attendance on IWC necessarily. It's an album I still listen to regularly.

The appeal of blistering lead guitar licks are often impossible to resist. A skill that takes years to learn, and many more to hone, Alexi Laiho set his sights on doing just that while still young, chopping away hours of practice in his bedroom. A road many kids take, few ever grab the brass ring, but Laiho has gone on to be one of the greatest Metal guitarists of the past two decades. Famously known as the frontman and lead guitarist of Finnish import Children of Bodom, the band has built a reputation on menacing melodic Death Metal twisted with Neo-Classical styling that is second to none. Now together for over two decades, Children of Bodom remain one of modern Metal’s biggest international acts as they continue to tear up stages. Amidst their latest North American tour, Laiho took the time to chat about the craziness of the years gone by, never taking it for granted, the work behind I Worship Chaos, plans for the future, and much more. – Children of Bodom have been established now for over two decades. In that time, the band has become one of the international Metal world’s most recognized acts with nine studio albums and extensive touring. Through it all, what has this incredible journey been like?

Alexi Laiho – There’s no words to describe it really, it’s been a wild fucking ride. You don’t really think when you are constantly doing something like touring, making albums, touring, and making albums. It’s a cycle, when you don’t stop, you don’t really have time to sit back and think about the whole thing. Every once and awhile, I would do it and it kind of shocks me how far we have got. When we were recording our first album, our aspirations were pretty far from what we have reached now. We would have been happy selling 1,000 copies and getting one tour in Finland and that’s it. It’s pretty crazy, we all love it, we live it. We all basically grew up on the road. It kind of sounds like a cliché, but it’s really the only way for me to live. I am lost when I am off the road and in the studio. It’s definitely awesome that it’s still going on. – Absolutely, when you are constantly working like you have been, four or five years at a pop could go by in the blink of an eye and you will not even realize it.

Alexi Laiho – Right, exactly. At the same time, I think it’s kind of a sign that you have been working, you have been full on concentrating, and that’s a good thing actually.


Spinefarm Records


Spinefarm Records – Definately. The signature of Children of Bodom has always been the mix of styles ranging from Black to Death Metal and Symphonic elements. Bottom-line, the band has certainly developed their own style. Tell us a little bit about how the band has developed this identity.

Alexi Laiho – It’s been mostly just natural development. We never sat down and talked about it. We never talked about what we should sound like, we never planned it, not even in the very beginning. Everything that came out just came out naturally. It’s many little things put together, such as certain keyboard sounds. Not only the sounds, but also the way the keyboards are played, and the same applies to the guitars. I do have a pretty recognizable sound, but it’s not just the amp or the actual sound, it’s also the way it’s played.

Then there is the vocals, and of course the music. All those things combined, that’s what Children of Bodom is. Like I said, it was never planned or engineered that way to happen. I think how it shaped up into the form that it’s in right now, we just grew up with all the different styles of music. We are still very open-minded. For example, with Metal, I still love Poison, but I still love Darkthrone, I love Fleetwood Mac, and I fucking love Mayhem and everything in between. That helped us a whole lot, all of us have been musically open-minded. – Right, and that shows in the music for sure. What is really interesting about Children of Bodom is the band had a ton of success in the European region through such albums as 1997’s Something Wild, 1999’s Hatebreeder, and 2000’s Follow the Reaper, but it was not until 2003’s Hate Crew Deathroll that the band really took off in the USA. How exciting was it for the band when you started to see more Americans paying attention?

Alexi Laiho – It was amazing really. It was just another dream come true. By that time, we had already toured in Europe several times and we played in Japan, which for us was like the biggest deal to get to play there. We had done that a couple of times already, so we were anxious to even get a shot to play in America. When we finally got that first tour opening up for Dimmu Borgir, we were so stoked. We could tell when the tour was moving along the word must have gotten out that we were a pretty good live band. The crowds were amazing, I would have never thought that we would have been even recognized, let alone get a crowd response. That was fucking great, we had a lot of fun. Pretty soon after that, we came back and opened up for Lamb of God in 2004. We just kept coming back. A lot of fun for sure. Touring in America is a little different due to the distances and whatnot. It’s a little longer than the European tours, but good times.


Spinefarm Records


Spinefarm Records – Through it all, the band has continued to progress album to album. You just came out with a new record last year, this record was a little different than your previous records as far as the writing and recording process. What was it like putting I Worship Chaos together?

Alexis Laiho – Up until the point where we had to let the other guitar player go, it was pretty much the normal process. I would write the music, and that’s something I do at home usually with my four track and my guitar. I play with a riff for a melody. We would basically practice every single day, 5 days a week for about 4 months. Then I would share the riff or part of a song to the others guys and we would jam on it for a little bit, then it becomes something. I would go back and write more, show it to the guys, and that’s basically how the process goes.

Then something happened with the other guitar player and we had to let him go. This happened one day before we were supposed to go to the studio. There was no time to even think about replacing him or getting somebody new. I was like, “You know what, fuck it, I’ll play all the guitars. I don’t care, I’ll work a double shift, but as long as we just get this album done.” That drove me to do a better job than I usually do to be honest. I don’t want to toot my own horn, but I think I did a pretty damn good job with the rhythm guitars. I got them down pretty quickly, and the rhythm part sounds, I think way tighter than anything we have done in the last 5 years.

That actually gave me an idea that I should really just record all the rhythm guitars from now on, because it is a lot tighter when it is just one guy. Also, we dropped the tuning to half a step down, that actually does make a big difference too. The album definitely sounds heavier. –Yes, it certainly does, and speaking of your guitar playing, you are quite an exceptional guitar player. Every musician is their own worst critic, but you really are and it shows in your playing. As a songwriter, how do you manage to keep things fresh?

Alexi Laiho – It’s not easy, I’ll tell you. It’s really just a matter of attitude. In my case, it’s pretty simple; do not think about what people want, do not think about what people like. Block all that out of your mind and do what you do. If it sounds like something that you’ve done before then fuck it, just do it. If it sounds weird but you like it, just do it. That’s the thing, there are no guaranties that people will like your shit. One thing that I can tell you, you can’t try to please everybody. That will never pan out.

Whatever I do, I really just go out of my way to make sure that I blocked all that shit out of my mind. That’s the only way for me to keep the music fresh. Do whatever you gotta do, just do it naturally. Hope and pray, if that’s your thing, and hopefully people will like it. There are no guarantees, that’s for sure.


Nuclear Blast Records – That is a good sound piece of advice for sure. You have to just what you do and everything will fall into place. The band is currently amidst a North American tour now through until right before Christmas. What has this run been like?

Alexi Laiho – This has been actually really good. We haven’t really done a headline tour here in The States for I Worship Chaos. We were opening up for Megadeth and we had headline shows on the side, so it doesn’t really count. This is actually the first headline tour for this album cycle, it’s been really good. We’ve had packed houses everywhere and like amazing fucking crowds, wild fucking crowds everywhere. It’s definitely been a lot of fun. In some cities, usually the turnout has not been as good as let’s say Los Angeles or whatever, even those cities, we have got fucking almost sold out shows. I’m definitely happy with it so far. – That is great, it is a good line up, a really exciting lineup as well.

Alexi Laiho – Yeah, I think so. Abbath and everything, that’s something that you usually have to check out. That’s really cool that there’s the whole Norwegian Black Metal thing going on and Children of Bodom, which are two different things. Four bands all together, so, it’s a cool package, interesting for sure. – Absolutely. Speaking of your debut, Something Wild, next year marks the twentieth anniversary of the album. Do you have any special plans to celebrate the occasion?

Alexi Laiho – We do actually. We are planning on doing a European tour in March and April which is going to be a 20 year anniversary themed tour. It’s going to be pretty fucking cool. We are going to play a lot of songs from the first 4 albums, songs that we never played live. It’s going to be interesting for sure, not just for us, but for the audience to see us playing those songs. I was listening to the first album and the second album, some of that stuff, I don’t know if I’m able to keep a straight face when I’m on stage playing that stuff. That’s the whole point, it’s going to be a lot of fun. We are planning on production right now, trying to add as many cool things on stage as possible. Should be pretty rad.

cob-tour-2016.jpg – That is very cool, let’s hope that run eventually makes it to North America, perhaps later in the year or 2018.

Alexi Laiho – I would love to. Hopefully we will make it the year after or something. – There are a few things in previous interviews you have said which is very interesting. One was about Children of Bodom, stating when people discover the band, they hear the vocals, they may be turned off. Although, if they actually listened to the music, they would be surprised and really enjoy what they hear. That is really interesting because the music may actually intrigue those not into Metal.

Alexi Laiho – Right, well yeah, that is how it seems. I’ve had a lot of people come up to me saying that they are normally not into Death Metal vocals or Black Metal vocals or Metal at all. They don’t like this screaming shit in their words but they appreciate the music so much, they like the melodic parts, the technicality of it, and all that. At first they tolerate the vocals and then they actually start liking the vocals, it’s pretty cool. A lot of people told me that Children of Bodom is the reason they got into Extreme Metal. Now they actually listen to a lot of bands with these kind of vocals. – That is really cool to hear something like that. There is always a band that is a gateway band to the more extreme music for everybody. I am sure you had one when you were growing up, we all had one. My last question for you is pertaining to movies. covers music and Horror/Sci-Fi films. If you are a fan of the genres, what are some of your all-time favorites?

Alexi Laiho – Horror yes, for sure, there’s a lot of good stuff out there. My favorites are always going to be the ’80s ones. That’s when I was a kid, that’s when shit was the scariest. I am going to have to say all A Nightmare on Elm Street movies are by far my favorite. Freddy Krueger is my favorite Horror character by far, that’s definitely my thing.


New Line Cinema


New Line Cinema – Freddy Krueger is a classic character, they made so many sequels now, did you have a favorite?

Alexi Laiho – The fourth one was good, even the fifth one, but that I am not sure. – Here is an idea, Children of Bodom always do interesting covers. Children of Bodom should cover Dokken’s “Dream Warriors.”

Alexi Laiho – Believe it or not, I have thought about that a couple of times actually. That is also the very first time I heard Dokken, in A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors (1987). I was a kid, and remember my parents said, “You can’t watch that shit,” but my friend and I found it on VHS and watched it. The end credits, I thought it was the coolest songs, and after the credits rolled and they mentioned who it was, I remember that. It is an awesome song, maybe one day we will cover it.