In small places, people who liked us were absolutely amazed when five guys from somewhere around the North Pole showed up to play there.
Most Americans couldn't find Finland on a map.

In small places, people who liked us were absolutely amazed when five guys from somewhere around the North Pole showed up to play there.
Zarok: Let's go back in time a little bit: When you recorded Something Wild the band was still called Inearthed. I guess the song "Lake Bodom" had another name back then because you came up with the whole Lake Bodom thing after you changed the name of the band to Children Of Bodom.
Alexi: It's true but actually the song wasn't written until the band name... No, fuck! Oh... you know, that's a really good question... The answer is: I don't fucking know!
Zarok: Maybe I should ask one of the other guys if they can remember.
Alexi: No, no, no... Hey, if I don't know, then they don't know either.
Zarok: You were signed to a Belgian label. Did this label ever sell the album under the name of Inearthed? (Thanks to UltimateMetal member innuenDO for these two questions!)
Alexi: I'm pretty sure they didn't. Hopefully not.
^ Jose, thanks for the heads-up on the new SOB interview with Alexi. It's cool - some really interesting questions and insights
in it; I didn't know it was Alexi doing that voice-over on Blooddrunk, and seems like we won't be hearing LoBodomy live any time
Thanks Jose!!
SOB interviews are always goodI'm happy Alexi finally said that AYDY? is their weakest album
Yea I always thought he found Something Wild their weakest album.I was left puzzled whether he really meant that, or have the winds really changed in his head.
Zarok: Are there any Blooddrunk songs you won't play live anymore?
Alexi: I don't know, maybe Tie My Rope. I still wanna play it but the other guys don't wanna play it.
yep, I'm going to all three
... and, as children of COB suggested, try here for lots of cool questions for your COB interview:
Thanks Sleeper! Its Kristell by the way. Hope you're rocking. I got a last minute opportunity to shoot their gig tonight and Ill interview them tomorrow. Cheers for the link to the questions. I kept a couple of ideas.
And If I dont see you at one of them...have fun!
Hey Kristell - sorry, didn't realise it was you! Just got back from tonight's show at the Apollo: COB rocked, of courseGreat you got the chance to do photos and an interview; could you post a link and some pix when they're available? Cheers