And the third Roope interview is here
Roope: I'm Roope Latvala and I'm a DJ guest here in radio rock for this week.
Interviewer: You formed a band named Stone at some point.
Roope: Yeah, first it was named Cross of Iron but we had to change the name since it was a bi provocative. Then it became a bit of W.A.S.P styled like S.T.O.N.E. Satans Torture Of None's Exite (that's what I think he says) but that sounded sooooo stupid that we decided to leave the dots out. Then it became Stone and that's how it all started. We also had some changes in the line up in the beginning but that was my first band.
Interviewer: And you were listening to a lot of Metallica at the time?
Roope: Yeah, and you can really hear it from our first album. It came out 20 years ago and Ride the Lightning and Master of Puppets were great influences to us at the time. There are also few riffs that are very similar to Metallica and the feeling on the album also. Of course there were a lot of our own special things in the music too.
Interviewer: But hasn't Metallica also "copied" Stone a bit?
Roope: Well' Enter Sandman has quite a lot of Get Stoned influences, and the main riff does have almost too much similarities. But I'm not saying that they have really copied Stone, it might also have happened accidentally. And of course Metallica can afford to rip off any band they want.
Interviewer: So it could have happened accidentally that they have listened to your music and it has just stuck to their brains and kind of automatically been ripped to their music?
Roope: Yes, I'm quite sure that it happened like that.
Interviewer: How often you hear about Stone when you're touring with CoB for example?
Roope: Well, there's usually some guy in the crew or something who remembers Stone so I hear of it quite often. And nowadays when you can use internet, many guys have found Stone and we've got a lot of new fans too. It's cool to see that a lot of teenagers have also found the band and they are often wearing that trash-metal clothing like we did when we were young so it's like 80's came back. And when we did a gig in Tavastia, there was really great audience.
Interviewer: But that means that your songs must be great when people listen them nowadays too.
Roope: Well they're quite good actually and it was really fun to play them again live since we hadn't completely forgotten how to play them.
Interviewer: How where these Stone come-back gigs last year then?
Roope: Those were really cool. Everyone played well and altough Niiranen claimed that he hadn's played anything for 7 years, I don't believe that since he played so well and we even got our old crew with us and we had Mikko Karmila mixing so the sound was very cool.
Interviewer: Can we expect more gigs or something else from Stone in future?
Roope: We haven't talked about future yet but we decided that we never say never anymore. But of course Janne is making the new album with Suburban tribe and I have all the stuff with Bodom and first things come first of course.
(A song plays here)
Roope: This was Andrew W. K. and the song was Long Live the Party. It's a song that always makes you happy. If you've had a gig and ended up drunk for example, and have a terrible hangover next morning, this song will surely help. This is kind of party music and it's also from Florida. And the song is from the album The Wolf. It's probably their second album. Third album never came out I think. Andrew himself is some kind of judge and he can confirm marriages nowadays or something. These songs have very cool party elements and if you listen to it very carefully you can hear that there are lots of things happening in these songs. We also did a cover from She is Beautiful. When we were same time in Milwaukee, Alexi joined them on stage to perform that song. So Andrew W. K is cool and Long Live the Party!