COB Interviews

Alexi is wrong - even a female tiger easily beats a male lion. :lol: Forget Tarzan. Then again he's not familiar with youtube so he wouldn't know...

Perhaps it does explain why our pop music is more "dark" than in other countries, though.

Hey. Why can't you just accept who you are and where you come from. You are not from Finland and you are not Alexi. :)
Actually, I am from Finland. Vittumainen.

And just because I dressed sort of like Alexi in one or two pictures doesn't mean I want to be him, or do it all the time. So just shut the fuck up. Besides, it was a goddamn t-shirt, grow the hell up. You want me to bring up how much of a fag you look like in the pictures you've posted?

EDIT: That was a pretty interesting thing in Kerrang. Thanks for scanning it, sleeper.
Actually, I am from Finland. Vittumainen.

And just because I dressed sort of like Alexi in one or two pictures doesn't mean I want to be him, or do it all the time. So just shut the fuck up. Besides, it was a goddamn t-shirt, grow the hell up. You want me to bring up how much of a fag you look like in the pictures you've posted?

EDIT: That was a pretty interesting thing in Kerrang. Thanks for scanning it, sleeper.

Vittumainen mitä? Mä luulen, että sä puhut paskaa. Todista suomalaisuutesi, eikä mitään Google translator väännöksiä. :Smug:

You are pathetic.
Actually, I am from Finland. Vittumainen.

And just because I dressed sort of like Alexi in one or two pictures doesn't mean I want to be him, or do it all the time. So just shut the fuck up. Besides, it was a goddamn t-shirt, grow the hell up. You want me to bring up how much of a fag you look like in the pictures you've posted?

Anteeksi. Täytyy harjoitella enemmän suomenkieltä.

I was born in Finland, where my parents and family are from, but except for a visit recently, I haven't lived there for quite some time because of reasons I have no reason to tell some random fucking dicks on a goddamn online forum. What the hell do I have to prove to you? You call me pathetic? Take a look in the fucking mirror.
Del people only say it because they know it gets a reaction ;) Joonas is a massive fanboi himself so you don't need to prove yourself to anybody,especially not to him. I don't see why people have this fear of showing influences from other people anyway. You can be your own person all you want but everyone is influenced by their environment,by which I mean all outside events and other people they come in contact with. It's totally normal to take inspiration from other people,it's just a natural part of human interaction, doesn't take from anyone's sense of self or origionality in the slightest imo.
Anteeksi. Täytyy harjoitella enemmän suomenkieltä.

I was born in Finland, where my parents and family are from, but except for a visit recently, I haven't lived there for quite some time because of reasons I have no reason to tell some random fucking dicks on a goddamn online forum. What the hell do I have to prove to you? You call me pathetic? Take a look in the fucking mirror.

Actually you're talking bullshit. The thing you just wrote is an easy way to escape the fact that you are not finnish. Hienosti käytit google translatoria, toi sun lause on heti kuin oppikirjasta.
Jata minut rauhaan.

I already said my finnish wasn't the best anymore. And you think I'm just some fanboy who wants to be from finland because I like CoB, but you don't know shit. And I don't have to prove anything to you.

EDIT: And Happ, you are right.
Jata minut rauhaan.

I already said my finnish wasn't the best anymore. You think I'm just some fanboy who wants to be from finland because I love CoB, but you don't know shit. And I don't have to prove anything to you.

Ok I'll leave you alone. It's already clear to me that you were bullshitting.
You are really taking fanboism to whole new level.

Like Joonas said:

Joonas Lehtonen said:
You are not from Finland and you are not Alexi. :)
Actually, I am from Finland. Vittumainen.

And just because I dressed sort of like Alexi in one or two pictures doesn't mean I want to be him, or do it all the time. So just shut the fuck up. Besides, it was a goddamn t-shirt, grow the hell up. You want me to bring up how much of a fag you look like in the pictures you've posted?

I was born in Finland, where my parents and family are from, but except for a visit recently, I haven't lived there for quite some time because of reasons I have no reason to tell some random fucking dicks on a goddamn online forum. What the hell do I have to prove to you? You call me pathetic? Take a look in the fucking mirror.

If you calm down for one sec and read again. I have never called you names so far. I wanted to raise some eyebrows ^^ as you claim to be Finnish which you're not, and you intentionally dress up like Alexi. I don't even know who you are, I just received comment from other members about it and decided to speak out. It didn't have to become a mess like this. :)

I don't need to prove myself to the big fans, but to little rats like this happilemon, I'm not so sure..
C'mon guys, stop that shit. This topic isnt the right place for arguing if Delanoir is finnish enough or not.

Onko se sitten osoitus että käyttää jotain google translatoria jos se lause oikeesti menee oikein? Onpas taas hyvät perustelut. Turha vääntää tällasesta pikkuasiasta jotain kauheita issueita. Vai miten on?
I don't need to prove myself to the big fans, but to little rats like this happilemon, I'm not so sure..

:lol: Wtf no need to turn on me! I just said you are also a big cob fan,so am I,it's hardly a fucking insult. You don't need to prove yourself to me in the slightest dude! But anyway like celeb said this isn't the place for this..
C'mon guys, stop that shit. This topic isnt the right place for arguing if Delanoir is finnish enough or not.

Onko se sitten osoitus että käyttää jotain google translatoria jos se lause oikeesti menee oikein? Onpas taas hyvät perustelut. Turha vääntää tällasesta pikkuasiasta jotain kauheita issueita. Vai miten on?

Then why you continue it?

Vastauksena, suomea äidinkielenään puhuvat kyllä tunnistaa. Toi lause on "liian" oppikirjamainen ja tunnistettavasti ei-suomalaisen kirjoittama.
Tuon postauksen tarkoitus oli lähinnä estää että tämä paskanjauhanta ei jatkuisi. Ja funfact, osa suomalaisista oikeasti myös kirjoittaa kirjakieltä foorumeilla, mesessä jne. Joten ei se oo mikään perustelu, jos lause on kirjakielisesti täysin oikein.
whoever the fuck already posted in finish in this thread is just gay
yay insulting ftw :Smug:

i mean whats your point?^^