COB Interviews

Then why you continue it?

Vastauksena, suomea äidinkielenään puhuvat kyllä tunnistaa. Toi lause on "liian" oppikirjamainen ja tunnistettavasti ei-suomalaisen kirjoittama.

Mitenkään kantaa ottamatta tähän teidän naurettavaan pelleilyyn totean että ulkosuomalaiset monesti kirjoittava kirjakieltä koska heidän suomenkielen taitonsa on pitkälti kirjoitetun tekstin varassa ja vanhemmat eivät yleensä puhu nykynuorten puhekieltä.

@sleeper. thanks, great interview that "I'm sorry mom" was so nice ;)
Maine fucking what? I think you are talking shit. Prove Finnishness, and none of the Google translator väännöksiä
Excuse me. Must practice more Spanish language.
Is it then an indication that use a google translator if you phrase it really goes right? Big again a good reason. Useless to wring Such a little something terrible issueita. Or, how is it?
In response, Finnish native speakers knows. On the other phrase is "too" textbook-like, and identified non-Finnish written.
That postauksen purpose was mainly to prevent that this paskanjauhanta not continue. And funfact, part of Finns actually write written forums, mesessä, etc. So it is not oo no justification, if the sentence is a literary language in a fully correct.
Yeah I can say ku et tais guys hit a nerve location
Without taking a position on this in your ridiculous pelleilyyn saying that the Foreign Finns writing often written as their Finnish skills are largely written text for its revenue, and the parents do not usually talk about the current young puhekieltä.

^I've seen it more times, but I can't stop laughing at your sig :lol:

Holy fuck! So many posts I can't understand in here. Thanks a lot sleeper, nice one!

If Delanoir's spot as a finnish is now vacant can I then be finnish? I can say perkele! Actually I doubt I'd pronounce it right anyway :lol:
^I've seen it more times, but I can't stop laughing at your sig :lol:

Holy fuck! So many posts I can't understand in here. Thanks a lot sleeper, nice one!

If Delanoir's spot as a finnish is now vacant can I then be finnish? I can say perkele! Actually I doubt I'd pronounce it right anyway :lol:

I can teach you :cool:
@CoCOB: Just be proud of being from Spain, which is an awesome place too. They all have their good and bad things about them, as I'm sure you know. But every country is great in its own way. But have fun in Helsinki! Be sure to see some of the great things in the area, like the Sibelius monument and Toolonlahti Bay.

And it'd be nice to see more interviews with Jaska.