COB Interviews

Has already been posted I think ;)

"ROCK ONE" is the kind of magazines that usually talk about Tokio Hotel and that kind of .. bands, but they made a special about "Finnish Metal", and of course there had to be something about COB. This is what they say, sorry for my mistakes.. I had to adapt a few things but that's basically it.

In 10 years, Children Of Bodom have become a big name in thrash/death Metal, evolving according to their own wishes and, at the same time, keeping the technicity that made them famous. We chatted with bassist Henkka Blacksmith at the time of their gig in Paris as a support act for Slipknot.

No one needs to introduce Children Of Bodom anymore. Nordic band known all around the world, they are used to release albums that are out of the ordinary. "Being Finnish means everything for me. And it's with pride that we wish to represent this magnificent country because it's the best place where to live. The South of Finland is really sublime, it's intimist, near the Sea, and the landscapes are beautiful. Besides its musical scene is very rich and interesting. My favourite band is Amorphis, but I also appreciate Diablo and Down My Throat."

Last November, COB were in France at the time of their tour with Slipknot and Machine Head. "I only knew Slipknot by name and through some videos broadcast on MTV. So I was very surprised to see their huge success and venues of 10,000 seats getting full", Henkka confesses. "When I saw them on stage for the first time, I was very happy to note that they were very popular even though their music is extreme. It was really great. I also think that it's a good thing for us to play as their support act because it allows us to play before a large audience." He follows. "Machine Head are also very good. Strangely, I don't have any of their discs, as well as for Slipknot, although they are two mastodonts of Metal. Machine Head is heavier and less fast, so being caught is even easier." After having won a clear success at the time of their gig at Le Zénith [Wilk': the venue where they played in Paris in Nov. 2008], COB are getting ready to reiterate the experience on February 20th at the Elysée Montmartre with Cannibal Corpse and Diablo. "When we learnt that Cannibal Corpse were free, we jumped at the chance. It's so great that they accepted our invitation." Henkka still can't believe it. A few years ago, he dreamt of being part of this cult death Metal band. They are his all-time idols, and now he plays with them, they are opening for his own band. "It's a legendary band. It's a pretty odd situation, that's true, but that's how music business sometimes works. Of course it's great honour because I started my musical culture with them. I was barely 12 years old when I bought their album "Eaten Back To Life". It was really extreme and I remember myself being really amazed. And 16 years after, here I am playing with them! Having the opportunity to tour woth a band you admire is crazy."

After 3 videos from "Blooddrunk", their sixth and last album ("Blooddrunk", "Hellhounds On My Trail", "Smile Pretty For The Devil"), COB will start to think of a new album this summer. "We never choose the direction that we want to take, it comes by itself. We let the music speak. For the moment we have been too busy to write even a single song. " Meanwhile, we'll never advise you too much to go and support them on Feb. 4 and 5 in Switzerland (Pratte), on Feb. 12 in the Netherlands (Amsterdam), on Feb. 21 and 22 in Belgium (Antwerp) and of course on Feb. 20 in Paris!


That's it, the pic was that one:


I'm clearing out my room and I found's an old interview from around the time they were recording AYDY. Its from Rocksound Magazine. Sorry if it's been posted before. :)
Well,you've inconvenienced me slightly..I hope that's made you LOLOOLOLOLOLOLOL
Anyone that gets their jolies from aiming this shit at random people they do not know, is srsly, a bit too nerdy for their own good.
Someone get the IP address.
Sorry if this has been posted but it's an interview from 2002 with Full Strength.

FS: For those unfimiliar with Children Of Bodom could you tell them a bit about the band, the music and history?

COB: Yes..So we started in 1994 or so, with some thrash metal thing..We made few demos, death-metal to blackmetal..Then 1997 we got a deal with Spinefarm and did Something that's the first official thing we have done..Demos aren't really available anymore.. I don't know what to say..

FS: Hows things in the Children Of Bodom camp?

COB: we are finishing our deal-negotiations (ftr was the last one for spinefarm) and that is keeping our minds busy at the moment..anyway we have been doing new stuff also all the time and we have now 5 songs ready..Planning to do a single from one of them this spring..Don't know where it is gonna be out, at least finland..

FS: There has been talk that you guys are changing record labels, can you elaborate on that?

COB: See above, but yes we have had some nice offers and soon we are ready to will see and we will see, how is it gonna be..

FS: Are you guys working on material for a new album? If so how is the process going?

COB: See above. 5 songs ready, and they are nice stuff indeed..Hard to say how we have evolved, or we got worse, or anything about the new material, but most important thing is that we are excited about that is the thing that keeps this thing alive......

FS: With the next release, are you going to stay along the same line as previous releases or are you going to experiment a little?

COB: None experiments, i mean, something like that "we have to do something to sell more"- things. No way..We are doing the thing we are up to now, and into is hard to sayhow is it compared to the old ones... Natural evolution..

FS: Overall, what band or musician has had the biggest influence on Children Of Bodom?

COB: Difficult question, cos you see there is lots of em from everykinds of styles.. From Dark Throne to Twisted Sister..That is only thing I can say...First was Malmsteen and Black metal..then more thrash and black,then more heavy and thrash..and now..i don't know..Something like before we have had.

FS: What cd's are on your top 5 list at the moment?

COB: Entombed-Wolverine Blues; Arch Enemy-Wages of sin; Amorphis-Am Universum; Down My Throat-Real Heroes Die; In Flames-Clayman

FS: What do you think of the international metal scene at the moment? Is it better then ever or an embarrasment?!

COB: Its better all the time...Lots of different styles, and mixing each other..It is nice to hear many bands getting out of categories, and doing things they like..E.g Soilwork, In Flames.. So i'm happy like this.. I'm not saying that i like some bullshit bands who do some"wannabe avantgardish art"- shit, but like i said there is bands who can do things with style.. I don't see anything embarrassing nowadays..There is death, black, heavy, speed , thrash, and mixtures of

FS: Do you ever have days where you are just sick of music and just want to take a break?

COB: Yes, sometimes, but that is temporarily always..and i always keep on listening to music anyway..and soon I'm longing to get on stage,and write new stuff with I guess it is normal...Why not..After touring for two months in a row, you are tired, hell yes..You need to have a little time outside the band life..that is healthy for you... But soon you are again longing for that kind of life..It is different if there was some problems with members, but luckily we have never had those, so it is easier..

FS: When can we expect a new release from Children Of Bodom ?

COB: Just heard that the single will be out in finland in 1.7.02. New album hope that its gonna be out late this year, or early in the next..

FS: Thanks for the interview, and best of luck in the future, any last words??

COB: thanks, Now we are so excited with new songs so it is looking bright in the future..we will see how things turn out to be...Hope our fans can wait still for the next cob-album.. I wanna say that we are grateful for the support we get from our fans all over the world...Thanks guys..Take care