COB Interviews

wow... it's quite impressive that someone translates 3 pages. Sacrificing your time just that fans could read it.. i only can admire, respect. I appreciate your dedication.
Things I never though I would say, part XXVIII

Joonas, you're a fucking asshole.

I agree, I've been lurking this forum for a long time now and Joonas always has some dick statement, at least once a week. Maybe twice. Maybe you don't realize (To Joonas), some people when they have some free time like late at night for example, like to read through the full interviews. Criticizing other people over presenting the forum with nice, full-translated interviews is fucking stupid. This is the COBHC forum, it's ment for that. If you have such a problem with it, then fuck-off. After reading through this forum for so long, I'm positive many people here would love that. Self-righteous dick. At least you choked out a thank-you I suppose...

I've been holding that in ever since I've first visited this forum and saw your posts.

On a lighter note, that interview was interesting, Thanks Celeb. Roope solo album...Sounds nice.
Season’s Bleeding 2010-2011: Children of Bodom

When we went to listen to Children Of Bodom’s forthcoming album the other week, we caught up with frontman Alexi Laiho and keyboardist Janne Wirman to talk Christmas. Instead, we ended up talking about cockpunches and making Kerry King bleed.

Do you have any particular or unusual Christmas traditions?
Janne Wirman: I have a house, and I’m too lazy to go out to my Mum’s place as she moved to Finland. So I’m in my house all alone of Christmas Eve, but the next day I always invite my immediate family over – my brother, and my cousin, and a couple of good friends – but Christmas Eve I’m just by myself.
Alexi Laiho: Christmas Eve for me is unusual always. I don’t really get to see my Mum and Dad that often, because I’m always on the road or some shit like that.
Janne: I just remembered that couple of years back because I wanted to escape from my family, I spent two or three Christmas’ in New York as I didn’t want to be around Finland at the time.

When did you find out Santa Claus wasn’t real and how did it happen?
Janne: I am 28. You’ve just ruined Christmas for me.

Turkey: are you a leg or breast person?
Alexi: In Finland, we don’t really have turkey – we roll with the ham.
Janne: Breast though. Always the breast though!

Which metaller would you least like to see approaching you with mistletoe?

Alexi: Meatloaf.
Janne: Is he even a metal musician?

What would you get Kerry King for Christmas? You can’t choose Jagermeister.

Janne: I would get him a helmet. He’s gotten us wasted like….200 times, but we once got him so drunk that he fell and hit his head and was bleeding.
Alexi: He had this big fucking gash on his head. All his tattoos on his head, and this big fucking gash.
Janne: It was fiunny to see him so wasted that he couldn’t walk, and we were still fine. [cackles]

If a bearded man broke into your house through the chimney on any other day of the year, what would you do?
Alexi: I would juts give him a cockpunch and ask him “who the fuck are you?” Then throw him the fuck out.
Janne: I would offer him a nice quality glass of whiskey, and then ask him “who the fuck are you?”
Alexi: I’m still going with the cockpunch.
Janne: I bet you are. Is it a five-finger cockpunch?
Alexi: Of course!

What’s been your worst New Year’s Eve experience (because NYE always sucks).

Janne: I’ve been to a couple of parties where I hated all the people there.
Alexi: When we 15, 16 or some shit like that, we used to go to downtown Helsinki to these bars full of assholes. This one [New Year’s Eve], I got into at least four fist fights, I got arrested, and then after I was released I didn’t have any money or my cellphone or any of the things that could’ve helped me get home. Yeah, that was pretty bad.

Which one of Santa’s reindeer would you be and why? (Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donder, Blitzen and Rudolf.)
Alexi: I only remember Rudolph. I’m still rolling with Rudolph. Because the other ones just sound so girly!
Janne: I’d be Donner, as that one sounds the girliest.
Alexi: More girly than Vixen?!!?
Janne: Oh shit, I fucked it up. Okay, [Alexi] can be Donner. I’m Vixen.

^^Thanks for posting WilDChilDx, it was hilarious :lol: Poor Janne!

Joonas, is the problem now that because no one ever thanked you for doing some translations you wanna "joke" about people who do it for others?
I understand what you were trying to do there but still I got pissed off because of your "joke". Yeah, maybe I'm stupid for doing this, spending my time and translating this shit for free. And maybe others are stupid thanking me for doing it. But you know, thats called being polite, something that otherwise may not be that common here.

I don't expect you to appreciate the work I'm doing while translating these interviews from Finnish to English. I expect you to appreciate the work which someone else does while posting other interviews which are published in English or translated from German etc.

You, probably, find it amusing when people get pissed off about you for things like this. And then you keep wondering why you still post to this forum since no one seems to understand you. I know this is the Internet but I warmly recommend to try using your brains and think twice before posting and maybe you'll notice that even this place isn't that bad after you cut the bullshit and stop being an asshole.

And if only because I like to translate the whole stuff and not just pick up what you call the 'important bits', I'm Alexi lover and teenage fan girl, well I don't mind. The thing is, I wanna give the others all the info. And since I'm still considering becoming a translator, its just good practice for me.
Joonas always has some dick statement, at least once a week. Maybe twice.
Self-righteous dick

I've been holding that in ever since I've first visited this forum and saw your posts.

I sometimes visit this thread in hope of a new interview post, but get disappointed when there's just another thank you. So? =D If you can't handle this kind of black humour on a metal forum, maybe you should go. Not trying to justify black humour since there can always be someone sensitive-skinned and you never know where the limit is.

A guy/girl from USA (whose username I can't even recall seeing before) comes telling me to fuck off from the COB forum and calling me names? I won't sink as low as to start calling you names for that, and if this doesn't prove I'm a good guy then nothing will. Don't know what's wrong with people who make personal attacks on a forum, bad self-esteem?

If by "dick-statements" you refer to my honest opinions about COB, well, I'm not in the "'inside'" so I can still say my honest opinion about their music such as one of their albums isn't as interesting musically as another, without fearing to lose them as friends. Some have even come forth calling me COB hater. :lol:

The thing is I write 'straight' and that appears ferocious to some people, and when they don't know me they think it's aggressive, but it's not. I make mistakes like any mortal and spew unconsidered shit out of my mouth at times but I don't mean bad. Except when I'm being bullshitted so unjustly it goes over the limit. Truth is I'm comfortably on the light side of the force and would probably make a nicer first impression in real life than literal form. My humble apologies. Just try not to take everything too serious.
Well, I'm sorry you are annoyed about this. As far as I know, you had the magazine before me but still you didn't bother to translate it. And now you complain about what, someone thanking me for doing it?
I would like you to try at least once to translate a 3 page interview and then tell me if its cool or not receive some thanks for doing it. More needs to be done than just put the text through Google Translate you know.

And before anyone gets too excited, no, I'm not doing this whole translation-stuff just that I could get some praise or gain status here. I just think it's fair to give all the fans here the chance to read these interviews and articles that are published in Finnish.

Don't worry Celeb, we all appreciate your work and will keep thanking you no matter how much Joonas rants :lol:

What's your fucking problem? Yeah I didn't translate the whole interview because I have no free time, still I did read it thru and posted the interesting bits about the album - can't remember any thanks for that. It was a sincere statement, not being a dick. It's not like I'm being paid for this or have promo albums sent to my house.. more like an unconditional passion, even makes me wonder why I'm still writing in this place.

Celeb, you're lovely for doing this to fans, I appreciate it.

Joonas, this is just really simple: someone's worked on a translation for something the rest of us, yes you gave away what you consider the important bits, but people wants to read the whole thing. I'd think you, as one of the "worst/strongest" diehard COB fans around would understand. Yes, I too come in expecting interviews when I see new posts, and yes sometimes it gets me dissappointed that it's just a silly "+1" or stuff like that, but don't pick on people thanking somebody for translating an interview, just take a deep breath and let it go, you'll avoid this kind of shitstorms that go nowhere. I've said it a million times, you do have some great contributions to the on-topic section, but sometimes you don't know when to stop, don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to make your life in this forum a bit easier.
Don't worry Celeb, we all appreciate your work and will keep thanking you no matter how much Joonas rants :lol:

Joonas, this is just really simple: someone's worked on a translation for something the rest of us, yes you gave away what you consider the important bits, but people wants to read the whole thing. I'd think you, as one of the "worst/strongest" diehard COB fans around would understand. Yes, I too come in expecting interviews when I see new posts, and yes sometimes it gets me dissappointed that it's just a silly "+1" or stuff like that, but don't pick on people thanking somebody for translating an interview, just take a deep breath and let it go, you'll avoid this kind of shitstorms that go nowhere. I've said it a million times, you do have some great contributions to the on-topic section, but sometimes you don't know when to stop, don't take this the wrong way, I'm just trying to make your life in this forum a bit easier.


You really just need to calm it sometimes. Take some Ritalin.
I didn't waste my time reading all discurssion about Celeb's translation, which I think it's awesome because sometimes I really don't have will to translate and read all the finnish thinguie to Portuguese/English or whatever, and Joonas "black humor"...

I would like to THANK YOU for the people who waste their time doing this. Really. An also for the people who does not.
I sometimes visit this thread in hope of a new interview post, but get disappointed when there's just another thank you. So? =D If you can't handle this kind of black humour on a metal forum, maybe you should go. Not trying to justify black humour since there can always be someone sensitive-skinned and you never know where the limit is.

A guy/girl from USA (whose username I can't even recall seeing before) comes telling me to fuck off from the COB forum and calling me names? I won't sink as low as to start calling you names for that, and if this doesn't prove I'm a good guy then nothing will. Don't know what's wrong with people who make personal attacks on a forum, bad self-esteem?

If by "dick-statements" you refer to my honest opinions about COB, well, I'm not in the "'inside'" so I can still say my honest opinion about their music such as one of their albums isn't as interesting musically as another, without fearing to lose them as friends. Some have even come forth calling me COB hater. :lol:
I really don't think I'm the only one who thinks that way. You come here acting like you know EVERYTHING about the band, to the point where even Janne himself had to put you in your place. You know something's wrong when it goes THAT far. And by "dick statements", I ment the kind of statements you post like the one to Celeb for example. And as I can see ^, others agree. Its really a two to one argument here, and I'm not going to waste my energy on you. I liked the little stab at Americans in your post too.
Well, I'm sorry you are annoyed about this. As far as I know, you had the magazine before me but still you didn't bother to translate it. And now you complain about what, someone thanking me for doing it?
I would like you to try at least once to translate a 3 page interview and then tell me if its cool or not receive some thanks for doing it. More needs to be done than just put the text through Google Translate you know.

And before anyone gets too excited, no, I'm not doing this whole translation-stuff just that I could get some praise or gain status here. I just think it's fair to give all the fans here the chance to read these interviews and articles that are published in Finnish.

+1. Exactly, it takes time and effort and it's nice to get those thanks replies. I haven't had time and energy to translate anything lately :(
The last pages remind me of a christmas party. Everbody's trying to be nice to each other, then something wrong is said and BANG house is full of the old hatred and insults and fights. Sigh.

@ the American newbie, I can understand why you're angry, but honestly I don't think that insulting a member of this forum (deserved or not) is the way to be a "nicer" poster than the one you just accused of being a dick. Just my thought.

Oh, and thanks for the new interview, WilDChilDx, funny one.
The last pages remind me of a christmas party. Everbody's trying to be nice to each other, then something wrong is said and BANG house is full of the old hatred and insults and fights. Sigh.

@ the American newbie, I can understand why you're angry, but honestly I don't think that insulting a member of this forum (deserved or not) is the way to be a "nicer" poster than the one you just accused of being a dick. Just my thought.

Oh, and thanks for the new interview, WilDChilDx, funny one.

Yet Joonas can go around and insult as much as he wants and that's okay? I wasn't trying to be the 'nicer' poster :guh:. I'm not the only one either, read this whole page and the last one. I'm not angry, certainly annoyed though. But as I said, I'm done with it.
I really don't think I'm the only one who thinks that way. You come here acting like you know EVERYTHING about the band, to the point where even Janne himself had to put you in your place. You know something's wrong when it goes THAT far. And by "dick statements", I ment the kind of statements you post like the one to Celeb for example. And as I can see ^, others agree. Its really a two to one argument here, and I'm not going to waste my energy on you. I liked the little stab at Americans in your post too.

...You've just crossed the limit. You only registered here to piss me off, hide behind the shoulder of your friends, and even take that old episode for cover. I don't give a damn what you think because you sure as hell don't know me. Learn some fucking respect and humbleness, that comes handy at some point in life.
...You've just crossed the limit. You only registered here to piss me off, hide behind the shoulder of your friends, and even take that old episode for cover. I don't give a damn what you think because you sure as hell don't know me. Learn some fucking respect and humbleness, that comes handy at some point in life.

Are you done? I'm done. :lol: Now you're the one flipping shit. I haven't insulted anyone else. I'd say so far my track record is decent, only you. I tend to leave it at that. I'm not the only one who has to learn "respect and humbleness". I"M DONE.

Also, Thanks for the new info WilDChilDx.