COB live in Spain this summer ?


New Metal Member
Jun 4, 2007
I read in various sites, confirmed the play live of COB in Monsters of Rock, Zaragoza the day 22 of Juny.
But i don`t see any confirmation y section live on the

Help me, thanks

Sorry for my bad bad bad xD english :kickass:
well what does the website of monsters of rock say but I think it's fake cause june 22 is quite soon and if it were true, it would have been on COB's website
"Juny" might either be

June Or July. If it's the 22nd of July, there's still loads of time to conform. There's still time even if it was June but yeah, it probably would be on the site by now if it was.
Or it could be some misunderstanding somewhere, because COB plays at masters of rock in Czech Republic (which is btw 14/07)
It should definitely be on by now if it was true. You don't confirm gigs only 2/3 weeks before, cause people don't have time to make plans to go there. Plus I don't know about this festival, but some fest organisers use to announce bands to make people buy tickets and then cancell them few days before. They have already cancelled Velvel Revolver, and might cancell COB soon after ...
Well, maybe the people of have to wait until they can announce it because COB's booking agency is still negotiating with the festival's booker. Just be patient...
Oh, I just saw that there's an update on

"Another festival with Children Of Bodom has been confirmed:

22.06.2007 MONSTERS OF ROCK, Zaragoza - Spain

Children Of Bodom will replace the band Velvet Revolver."
wow,that's fucking great.hope I'm able to go as Hellfest thing is going a bit wrong with me.BTW,anyone knows if there's any under-age limit at both festivals?(Hellfest and Monsters Of Rock)
Thanks COBHC Webmaster ^^ :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy

Children the best 4ever !!! :rock: :rock:

For Children of COB: In Monsters of Rock others years, the under-age was 16.