COB:OT 2008

If i was truly butthurt (and an '07 fag) i would have reported the post, considering someone reported my GIF of Rick Astley dancing inside goatse's ass (which is obviously disgusting and offensive, my bad mods). Thanks for application Ensi.

Sincerely, your sore colon.
O fuck off you little tree hugging pansy. You're the most pathetic E-machoman i've ever known.

Fucking being heckled by a nobody, shut up.
Dude, they just banned mushrooms in his country he's still upset... all he can do is smoke weed and fuck prostitutes legally, give him a break.

:lol: I like you dude but don't be coming after my main man or else I will unless a horde of pwn into your hair dyed Timo Tolkki lookin' ass :lol: And before you say you don't look like Timo, I want you to examine this picture after you gain about 50 pounds.

Dude, they just banned mushrooms in his country he's still upset... all he can do is smoke weed and fuck prostitutes legally, give him a break.

:lol: I like you dude but don't be coming after my main man or else I will unless a horde of pwn into your hair dyed Timo Tolkki lookin' ass :lol: And before you say you don't look like Timo, I want you to examine this picture after you gain about 50 pounds.


No personal offense intended whatsoever:p

And yes, I'm the fucking tolkki twin #1.

Teh_Phenis is tolkki #2:kickass:
Dude, they just banned mushrooms in his country he's still upset... all he can do is smoke weed and fuck prostitutes legally, give him a break.

Well fuck me upside down with a Pringles can, looks like his rights as a teenager are being taken away ever so slowly. :waah::waah::waah:

:lol: I like you dude but don't be coming after my main man or else I will unleash a horde of pwn into your hair dyed Timo Tolkki lookin' ass :lol: And before you say you don't look like Timo, I want you to examine this picture after you gain about 50 pounds.

:lol: Ensi, you're alright, nooch. The resemblance is uncanny.