COB-OT Quotes

Someone has to do it....

Hey babe! I love you from the bottom of my heart! I really want to talk to you, but i don't have your number. I want to jump on you. When i see your face, it makes me maon in pleasure. Your hair is so silky, smooth , and long. I just want to grab you, pull you close to me, and stroke that hair countless times ill you start to shiver. I wnat to put my hand down your spine, letting you feel a delightful sensation. Your body is soooo HOT!. I mean, i practically start to sweat when i see your arms. I wish you'd take off ;your shirt so i can indulge wha'ts underneath it...oh yeah....i start to get this tingling feeling in my body when i think about all the things i wnat o do with you. When you play taht lil' guitar of yours, i watch every move you make. I can even see your veincs plulsing out fo those baby soft smooth hands. Speaking of that, your skin is also something i want to toch. It's so nice. I just want to implant my warm kisses all over it. Well, love Lady L!
¥ New York City cops ain't too smart ¥ dice:
Me gusta pedorrearme cuando tengo diarrea para que salpique
¥ New York City cops ain't too smart ¥ dice:
I like farting when I got diarrea to spread the shit all over the bathroom
Marcio dice:
hey dude
Marcio dice:
you are so fucking disgusting
¥ New York City cops ain't too smart ¥ dice:
¥ New York City cops ain't too smart ¥ dice:
¥ New York City cops ain't too smart ¥ dice:

Marcio dice:

Marcio dice:
fucking pig
Marcio dice:
we are like americans
Marcio dice:
laughing of those things
"The day will come someday and Alexi will love me with all his heart."

LOL ... This made my day :D
loool sure, aren't we all a bit like Lady Laiho? XD
I better go get my nick changed to MRS LAIHO

:D :D :D
prove you love him by having sex with me...

I'd go to jail.....

i won't tell i promise....

no...and u would bc I'm sure I'd be taking your virginity :Puke:

i lost it on my 14th birthday:)

it doesn't really matter... ethier were having sex, or your gettting raped....

june 16 2004 around 22:00 in Dublin Ireland in the merrion hotel in the girls bathroom with a girl on the same tour as me...

totally made up. ur redneck ass couldnt afford a trip to dublin

pure pwnage :kickass:
1 year old quotes of the pwnage of some arrogant douche:

just because i dont sit on the computer all day like u doesnt mean im a noob .. i actually have a life unlike u .. and i actually get pussy .. i eat more pussy than u eat food .. judging by your picture in the own pics thread its been a long long time 4 u ...

The kids that constantly go on about eating pussy are fucking idiots. Man, first have some fucking respect for women. Second, stop being such a fucking what retarded version of the real world do you live in when you consider the fact that you eat pussy to mean your some sort of demi-god? I would confidently put $50 on the bet that you couldnt navigate a pussy with a fucking map.

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I am from México :)
How did you know that I was lying :lol: ?
because everyone from mexico lives illegally in the united states, it's common knowledge :lol:
Fuck you dude :lol:, I'm a rich Mexican :lol:
:lol: How can you be something that doesn't exist? :D
and at least the Mexican can point a foreign country in a map
Do you mean that Heartless_Gay cannot point a foreign country in a map besides Gaynada ?
Canadians actually know A LOT abut the rest of the world :lol:
I could prolly point out some countries on the map that you don't even know about... but that's prolly cuz our maps are new here and not second hand from 1960 :D:D
you guys are so funny :)

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