COB Pics

MjauY said:
oh SHUT THE FUCK UP! thats so pathetic. He's not bisexual, and he's not gay. ffs!!!!!!
he IS bi... stop being like "oh my god alexi couldnt be liking man... because he's so good at ghitarr!!!!"
^Are you sure? :rolleyes:

I've kissed like two guys and i'm not even close to being bisexual.
I'm glad you agreed with me, BTOG. :)

Thanks loads to jhonnah for the screens of the DVD he posted before. I had a good laugh opening those.

Everyone, support your favourite band! How dare you all flip out just cause one member could be gay? Does that change the music? Why does it make any difference! Don't be so shallow!

Then, please, let's be serious guys: noone here has the right to say that mr. Laiho (or whoever else, I told Alexi just to make an example) is bisex or whatever else came up in his/her mind... only someone who really knows Alexi, and is his friend, could say a similar thing....
And cause I think that here we all are just fans.... nobody could tell if Alexi is that way or not.... we don't know him!!
So, please, stop keeping on this mess.... some people is not happy if they don't argue that often, huh?
<-Warheart-> said:
Well I didn't make that specific one, but you can use this:

I did make this though:

they look so nice ^^
i made this one some time ago....he is Alexi :lol: i put the hat because it seems like Trashed, Lost & Strongout in Helsinki XD
