COB Pics

^Darkest Maiden: Maybe that pic reminds to you of Prince cause of Alexi's eyes.... their color, the eyeliner.... maybe? :)
Anyway, Alexi will be short and will have all this world defects that everybody said but his eyes are really beautiful...

To everybody: thanks for the pics, they're very nice....
^Eyeliner is one of my best friends.... I love it, indeed I often use it ! :p

Thanks again for the pics, we'll be waiting for other...hmmm... let's say random and extremely entertaining pics! ;)
^with your lovely captions, sure... ahahah, you're funny! :)

<-Warheart-> said:
Like Alexi on the toilet? :lol:
:lol: Ok, ok, not really but at least Alexi in the bathroom.....but that depends from what he's doing.... ;)
And after what I saw in the Chaos Ridden DVD, I would be a little afraid to see him in that room... :p


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: HAHAHAAH!!! SHIT! FUCKING LOL :lol:
&#9532;Victim of the Night&#9532;;5567833 said:
^What's that strange sign ----> <3 ? ???

It's a heart to represent someones love of something. I do believe that Nikkie has a liking for Hennka.