COB Pics

Hell Yeah! Great pics jhonnah . Poor Alexi, with that thing in the arm... :( Anyway, I'm happy to know that he's going be able to start to play a little on Wednesday. :)

And he's hair is now with it's natural color... I loved to see him with black hair (and blond too, lol) but he's pretty now as well. :blush:
Hey, thaks a lot, jhonnah, for the pics!:notworthy
Did Allu get some new shoes?Cause they don't look like the wrecked ones he's normally wearing with the tape wrapped around them. :lol:
And he's not able to get his nailpolish done, huh? I'll have to fly over there and get him the CoB nailpolish I found :rolleyes:
I've always wondered why you NEVER!!! hear a singer hiccup, burp, cough or sneeze while they're singing. It looks like Alexi's coughing in this pic:


But I've never heard anyone ever do it, I think it'd be funny. Embarrassing for them but funny for us.