COB Pics

Janne looks so much better WITH the beard thing. but Aleksi WITH a beard = a resemblance to serial killer/rapist guy. and Jaska, he looks better WHEN shaved.
Saw this on COB's myspace:
Hannah D: yeah, i saw it too and that's a really nice pic! He's an angel fallen from grace! *sniffles*

Haha, yeah, Janne's so adoarable he's looks good with/without beard. Alexi looks like a hobo. Shave it Allu! And Henkka, LOL, no way!
I have a friend which looks a bit like Alexi :lol: ah, I mean, she's a girl :p and it's really strange sometimes when I look at her, anyway, it feels really good to see some newer pic :kickass: