COB Pics

or maybe we are just used to Janne with beard and the others without.. dunno, I like Alexi with beard :rolleyes:

yep. we're all used to seeing only Janne with a beard and he's the only one that looks good with a beard. so when someone else in the band has one, we're like "huh?" and then a discussion about whether or not they look good with the addition.
yep. we're all used to seeing only Janne with a beard and he's the only one that looks good with a beard. so when someone else in the band has one, we're like "huh?" and then a discussion about whether or not they look good with the addition.

Same goes with the hair colour, at first I was like: What did Alexi do to his hair??? But now I like it/I'm used to it.

But the beard :erk: I don't like it,I didn't like it back when they recorded AYDY and I don't like it now.

Here is some Alexi pics for all you fanboiz out there:



GräfinTuberkulose;6025644 said:
I think Alexi hasn't gorgeous hair! Nor now, nor never...

It's your opinion, and it's ok. I also must say that nowadays his hair isn't that perfect.

You spoke about present and future... but, if you go see some pics or videos of the past, for example like the "Live at Mystic Festival 2001", you'll see that his hair was really good looking.
┼Victim of the Night┼;6025754 said:
It's your opinion, and it's ok. I also must say that nowadays his hair isn't that perfect.

You spoke about present and future... but, if you go see some pics or videos of the past, for example like the "Live at Mystic Festival 2001", you'll see that his hair was really good looking.

You are right about past, but they are not that good to be gorgeous ;)
GräfinTuberkulose;6025984 said:
You are right about past, but they are not that good to be gorgeous ;)

Well I'll say that you're right too, then, cause everyone's got different opinions and different taste, and it's ok this way. ;)

Oh, and anyway...welcome to the forum! :wave: :)
First of all, I'm not using photoshop (blah), and I'm not another fangirl. Fuck that shit. I'm show you a few my works, and you call me 'fangirl', just because they all are with Alexi. Alexi is not the end of the world! I'm proud to be Jaska-holic. Alexi is only frontman of this 'fucking' band.:Smug:

You all can hate me now.
First of all, I'm not using photoshop (blah), and I'm not another fangirl. Fuck that shit. I'm show you a few my works, and you call me 'fangirl', just because they all are with Alexi. Alexi is not the end of the world! I'm proud to be Jaska-holic. Alexi is only frontman of this 'fucking' band.

You all can hate me now.

I don't hate you now :p
GräfinTuberkulose;6025644 said:
I think Alexi hasn't gorgeous hair! Nor now, nor never...

you saying he does not have gorgeous hair? well he doesn't now, he messed with it too much. but he used to