COB Pics


little odd.
i wish i was Alexi so i could secks all fangirls

Yea. It's weird, I hope the webmaster won't ban me for writing this, but who do these guys have sex with? Sure they can have some with their fans and surely they do. I've heard stories about Alexi chatting in the tour bus with some chick, but never heard of any female fan going "I had sex with Alexi" or any other band member for the matter. It must be nice for a cute fan chick to get for a chat with.. um.. Roope :D and get to have sex to tell your kids about. I mean if I was fan for some band with extremely hot Japanese chicks I wouldn't mind if they asked me to have sex.
Jhonna: Aww, Janne's adorable as usual. and i love the way he dresses as i do for Alexi. Ne will alwayz be my teddy! :)

Nikkie: I can only imagine what it'd be like to meet him......