COB Pics

dimebag420 said:
hell ya that pic is awesome !! lol cause i took it !!! i really believe that that 1 could be in a magazine !!! dont you !!! and this 1 to

im no photographer but i sure do love taking pictures at concerts , and they always seem to turn out pretty fuckin awesome
Hey, what camera do you use?
Lanterns said:

Yeah... And looks at his effort to write on top of the flag... Bet he's almost doing pointe work (u know, from ballet... Standing on his toes.... I dunno how to say this in english :erk: ), cause he's so short... lol
COBabe said:
i wanna have this flag too :)
I love you my fellow drunken girl. And yea it would be hella cool to have tghe flag. But under my xmas tree I want something that weighs a little less than me, and plays the guitar very well. SCREW what people think.;)
Lol! Hehehe! Yeah, I'll get him for you Lanterns! If the box is making noise or moving around just hit it with a hammer and it should stop promptly. :D